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Date Posted: Sunday, August 01, 09:56:40pm
Author: TMH
Subject: My Wish List For Ron Everhart

Recently, I posted my summer wish lists of skills to be developed over the summer for Damian Saunders, BJ Montiero and Eric Evans.I nearly certain that none of them have read them but I found it to be therapeutic for myself. Tonight I have a few suggestions for Ron, although I am so far out of the loop that many may be ongoing already.

I want to preface my remarks by saying that Ron has done an extraordinary job bringing Duquesne basketball back to life in a short period of time under extraordinary circumstances. I credit a great deal of it to tireless recruiting. I won't question his work ethic but like all of us there is always improvements to be made.

1.) Develop your players. Perhaps it is an epidemic in college basketball today but if a freshman doesn't earn substantial playing time as a freshman, they are either relegated to basketball purgatory for the remainder of their career (Theis) or simply released to be replaced by another 18 yr old kid. With the exception of Aaron Jackson, our players have not seen substantial growth. Even Damian Saunder's statistical growth seems to be more of a function of increased minutes and lack of a complimentary presence than basketball improvement. Note that his outside shooting has gotten worse FT shooting is still anemic and assists to minutes have gone down.
a.) Formally appoint captains..Let them know and understand the both the privilege and responsibility that goes along with it. They need to be the coaches on the court and during the offseason. Senior leadership was sorely lacking last year.
b.) Coaching is just like teaching. Each player may need different means of motivation. Positive reinforcement works too. You need to be a father figure as well as a coach to many of these kids. I would far prefer to read about offensive strategies rather than doghouses this year.
c.) Define everyone's role and be specific in what they need to do to master that role and then to expand it. Chemistry is everything in basketball. They all need to feel like a part of the winning formula.
2.)You become far too predictable. You are at your best when the opposition is not ready for you. Initially, everyone knew you loved a fast paced offense and a man defense and they got it game after game and coached against it. You switched to a helter-skelter 1040 substitution pattern. Nobody was ready and it worked until it became predictably the norm. In 08-09, you caved in to playing some zone and nobody was prepared. In the playoffs you coupled it with slowing down the tempo and no one was prepared but then that too became the norm. This team needs to be multi-faceted.
3.)Consider the match up zone. It may already be in your repetroire but I haven't spotted it. It is the great equalizer when the other team is bigger and stronger. Ask Temple or Richmond.
4.)Motion..motion..motion. This team works best when it is in motion. I believe this was brought up by Face. That is motion on the inbounds..motion in the half court..motion in transition.
5.)Consider moving BJ to the SF and Bill to the SF. I mentioned this earlier, BJ's skill set is best closer to the basket and it keeps his head in the game. Bill is best in space and it may keep him out of foul trouble.
6.)TJ McConnell....find ways to get him involved early and often. I'm convinced that he makes everyone around him better.

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