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Subject: ~*~Nuzzle~*~

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Date Posted: 21:55:01 07/10/02 Wed
In reply to: Dreams&Goddess 's message, "*nudge*" on 07:41:15 07/10/02 Wed

~*~He nuzzled Dream and at the sight of his sibling his heart nearly melted. He knew Spirit and Power were close to Dance, and he loved them all, but this one just caused the powerful stallion to melt. They would have to watch this one closely, too many hearts she would break without even knowing.~*~

Yes, I am your brother, I am HawkLash.

~*~He nuzzles her gently and raises his head to Dreams and nuzzles her again.~*~

You are right... it has been too long, and so long again I will not make it. I see you are doing well, and this one here is a true beauty. I just hope she chossses a different path than her sister...

~*~He glanced away towards his father, he had to fix things, to unite the once proud bloodlines of Clash. It had been too long since he had seen Power, was he making the same mistakes he did iwth his son, with his siblings? REturning to this land was a good thing, though it brought back too much. He quelled the anger within him, the hurt and betrayal as he thought of Spirit. He couldn't understand her dicision. After he has visited here he was going to talk to her, and perhaps with power to, the damned youngin was probably taller than him now.~*~

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MirrorHawkflight10:20:03 07/11/02 Thu

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