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Date Posted: 09:34:00 04/25/03 Fri
Author: Sandra
Subject: Angie, I've thought about you since I read your post last night...m
In reply to: Beverlee 's message, "Angie, about your post yesterday (m)" on 08:09:25 04/25/03 Fri

But when I went to respond Voy "shut-down" sheesh! Anyway, just wanted to let you know that most of us have been there or will be there some day. Kids have good days and bad days and really it's not a reflection of you as a mother. I'm sure Jordan knows how much he is loved and that he hurt you by behaving the way he did. I'd like to suggest something -not sure if you asked for advice or not, but try talking with him now that things have cooled down and ask him why he didn't want his hair cut. Then explain to him how his behavior made you feel and that you'd like to really start working on things. Maybe you can comprimise on somethings -if he doesn't like the stylist maybe you can try someone else. I think kids tend to rebel like he did when they feel they have no control over the situation. Letting them have some say -if it's in where, when or how he gets his hair cut -may help ease the frustration. Something else to try is a reward when he follows through with things and a consistant punishment when he doesn't. You may want to tell him that each time he follows through you will do ___ and each time that he doesn't the following will occur ___. I'm sure it will take a few times before he gets it but eventually he will get it -either he'll love the positive reward or he'll hate the negative. Anyway, I don't think you've failed him as a parent in the least.

Lots of ((HUGS)) to you!


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