Cold Blade, Star Gazer, Nightstar, and Bear
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Date Posted: 09:03:57 08/08/02 Thu
The bear leaps, body landing on Silver Shadows, crushing her. She begins to lie down, to put her full body weight when Hurricane comes. She growls, then swipes him, whacking him away. She lumbers over, then takes him in her mouth and begins to crunch his bones.
Cold Blade reaches down as far as he can to Sirius. He throws down a long dead branch. Try climbing it!
Nightstar snarls as she jumps onto her back. She sinks her teeth in, and hangs on, determined not to let go. The bear shook itself. Nightstar was beginning to loose her grasp. She clung on tighter, then began to claw at the bear, slowly and painfully.
Star Gazer lay on the ground, not too far away. She was nearly crushed by the bear, her breath came weakly, but she would hold on. Her parents were busy fighting and the rest of the pups were hurt. She would hold on...
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