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Subject: Re: †heed the warning†

Silver Fire
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Date Posted: 21:04:19 08/15/02 Thu
In reply to: Haryon 's message, "†heed the warning†" on 20:51:49 08/15/02 Thu

>The juvenile limps quickly in, emerging from the tall
>grass to shorter, more flattened out grass. His mad
>run eventually slows to a laboured stumble. He drags
>his injured leg behind him. He finally collapses,
>panting and trembling uncontrollably. He pulls his
>bleeding leg close to him, it felt as if it were being
>stung by a thousand wasps. He nudges it lightly with
>his nose, deciding that it must either be broken or
>fractured. He looks up into the early evening sky from
>where he lays, gazing at the brightening stars.
>What have I done? He asks himself quietly.
>What have I done? He then lets his head drop to
>the ground, drifting quietly from conciousness.
looks questioninly at you...what have you done, asks questions while she examins leg...

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[> [> Subject: †heed the warning†

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Date Posted: 21:20:43 08/15/02 Thu

He snaps awake, frightened, breathing heavily. As quickly as he can, he returns to three leg and gingerly places the fourth one on the ground, though it shakes violently. Nothing...I'm just fine...See? He puts even weight on all his legs and his eyes start to water from the pain. See? No problem there...

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