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Date Posted: 04:49:51 04/20/01 Fri
Author: Scott Tunnicliff
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: George Walton Appleby
In reply to: Peter Pearman 's message, "George Walton Appleby" on 17:47:55 02/28/01 Wed

We have a link! I am one of the great grandsons of George Walton Appleby (1962-1948), whose siblings were Constance, Louisa, Reginald Woodifield (Wodefield?) Appleby (1864-1948,who married agnes tucker of Bermuda), Leonard Shafto Appleby, Herbert, Henry (Harry), Arthur, Evelyn, Florence and Violet. My grandmother, Margaret Louisa Appleby Jackson (1886-1979), visited Reginald's family circa 1910, and passed on a photograph showing Reginald greeting the future King George VI on his visit to the island. It now resides with my mother, Nancy Eleanor Jackson Tunnicliff of Davenport, Iowa.

George Walton Appleby's father was named for his father. He married Lillian Neale (1865-1963). They came from England in 1883, and raised three children: George Walton Appleby (1890-1980); Margaret Louisa Appleby, and Helen Appleby (1888-1953). Helen never married, and lived in Emmetsburg, Iowa throughout her life, caring for her parents.

George married Alice (mom knows the name), and they had a son George Walton Appleby (1918-1961), known as Jud. Jud and regina ----- (again, mom knows)were married and raised several children including Diane, and (you guessed it) George Walton Appleby. Jud was a mathematics teacher in the Spencer, Iowa school system, and tried tragically of a heart attack while playing in a community softball game. My mother loved him dearly. His son George is now an Attorney practicing in or near Des Moines, Iowa. I am not certain of the names and disposition of the other members of this family, but do know that Regina still lives in Spencer, Iowa, some 25 miles from Emmetsburg. I'll contact George in Des Moines and try to gather complete information.

Margaret Louisa Appleby married Josiah Cleveland Jackson (1886-1941)in 1913. They raised three children - Constance (1915-1981), Nancy Eleanor (1919- , my mother) and Harold Walton (1925- , my uncle and godfather).

Constance was a registered nurse who practiced in Davenport, Iowa. In 1944 she married Kenneth Lundgren (1902-1962) a widower with two children, Kenneth and Marsha. They all lived in Moline, IL. "Aunt Connie" was well known to me, a no-nonsense, chain-smoking women with the proverbiasl heart of gold, who was a great knitter and spectacular cook. She lost her sight in the 1960s, a by-product of continual exposure to radiation from x-rays. She had no offspring.

Nancy Eleanor married Philip Hunter Tunnicliff (1916-84)in 1947. She had come to Davenport, IA in 1937, and worked first as a stenographer and later a buyer for Hickey brothers Stores, and later Ramsey Advertising. Her husband Philip was a landscape architect, land surveyor(the family business), and a civil engineer who from 1952 until his death was president of Tunnicliff Surveyors and Engineers, Inc. of Davenport, Iowa. Philip and Nancy had two sons, identical twins - Scott Douglas (yours truly) and Kim hunter. They were born in Davenport Iowa in 1954.

Scott worked with his father as a land surveyor until closing the business in 1985. He then began a career in economic development, with an emphasis on industrial recruitment and land use planning. He married Melita Anne Schaechter (1961- )in 1989 in Davenport. They have two children Anna Kathleen (1989) and Philip Charles (1994). Scott has been President/CEO of the Bettendorf, Iowa Chamber of Commerce since 1995.

Kim graduated from Macalester College in MN with a degree in political science. He took his Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, where he met and married Viginia "Ginny" Blum of Hampton, Iowa in 1984. The wedding in Hampton is still recalled with great affection by all.
After receiving his degree, Kim taught Political Science and Russian/Mideastern Studies for 14 years at Albion College in Albion, Michigan. There he was also the administrator of the Gerald R. Ford Foundation for Government Service. while there, he was the Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress in 1994, and served as Mayor of Albion from 1995 until their leaving four years later. Kim now is the Vice-President of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest, and lives in Oak Park, IL with ginny and their three children, Alison Lee (1986), Graham Hunter (1989) and Ian Michael (1994).

Harold Walton Jackson, younger brother of Nancy and Connie, graduated from Drake University with a degree in Journalism. He worked for a variety of companies as a manufacturer's representative, and concluded his career employed on the Rock Island Arsenal military installation in Rock Island, IL. Harold married Jeanne Lear of Rock Island in 1949. They had two children Steve Allen (1950 - ) and Sheryl Jeanne (1957).

Steve is a successful entrepreneur, the owner of multiple Mcdonald restaurants in Minnesota. Having graduated from McDonald's School of Franchise Management, he managed stores first in new Jersey, then California. He now lives with his wife Laurie and their three girls (I'll get the names and dates from Nancy)in Minnesota.

Sheryl is a well regarged jeweler and appraisr at Schneff's Jewelers in Davenport Iowa. She lives in Davenport with her daughter Shalyn (1984).

WHEW!!! Hope you can follow this,and that you weren't bored by it all. Please let me know if you would like me to complete the few patches, and PLEASE FORWARD INFORMATION ON ANY OF GEORGE WALTON'S SIBLINGS AND THEIR OFFSPRINGS. Nancy would be thrilled.

Best regards, "cousin" Scott Tunnicliff

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