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Date Posted: 20:24:13 05/11/19 Sat
Author: Mary-Agnes Bornhoeft ((Excited too!))
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Subject: Re: Applebys of Old Lyme, CT and Brooklyn, NY, USA
In reply to: Jacqueline Appleby Young 's message, "Re: Applebys of Old Lyme, CT and Brooklyn, NY, USA" on 21:42:21 04/26/19 Fri

Hi Jacqueline,

Haven't been on here in a while and I'm so glad that I checked!

John and Emily Appleby are my third great-grandparents. Their son John is my great-great grandfather. He moved to Brooklyn after serving in the Civil War, and almost all of my father's family was born there. I was born and raised in Queens, New York and currently live in Nassau County on Long Island. I was in Old Lyme only last week, checking out the John and Emily Appleby homestead on my way home from a weekend in Massachusetts. I recently started researching my family tree again after a very long hiatus, and I saw the picture of the Appleby house that someone had posted. A very nice person from the Lyme Historical Society told me it was on 27 Library Lane, so my husband and I detoured on the way home to check it out.

I also have an extensive family tree on Ancestry and have made a lot of additions in the past few months since I resumed my Ancestry subscription. You should be able to access my tree; I believe I made it public. It's under my name and for now says "Bornhoeft-McAloon." I tried to find yours, but couldn't; there are a lot of Appleby trees on Ancestry!

Looking forward to corresponding with you and comparing notes.


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  • Re: Applebys of Old Lyme, CT and Brooklyn, NY, USA -- Mary-Agnes (Bornhoeft), 02:15:25 08/18/21 Wed

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