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Subject: OK, I can take a hint! Luckily for y'all, I just typed more stuff last night! Here's PART FOUR!

Dakkan w/o any free time!!
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Date Posted: 18:18:17 02/19/02 Tue
In reply to: Dakkan 's message, "*takes a deeeep breath*" on 15:59:48 01/05/02 Sat

Shadowfang led his band through the forest. “C’mon, you slackers! If we find the family of the otter we’ve caught, we’ll have slaves aplenty!” Noting the looks of approval on the faces of the other foxes, he quickened his pace. “We can follow the tracks of the other young otter from the river and find out where he…oomph!!”
The black fox marched straight into a hard, warm object. He leapt back quickly.
Standing before him were two big otters. The one he’d collided with was the larger of the two, a tough- looking otter with fur just beginning to gray. His muscles were large and powerful and he carried a dangerous-looking blade on his back. The other otter was smaller and less muscular, but younger and more agile, with a sharp spear in his paws.
Shadowfang stared at the two, undecided on how to react.
“You have a young otter in captivity, fox. I demand you return him to us,” ordered Watercress in his most businesslike voice.
“Tchah! Go climb a tree and jump from it, do us all a favor,” responded Shadowfang. He spat in the snow to make his contempt known.
“I won’t warn you again,” growled Watercress, gripping his spear tighter.
Shadowfang chuckled derisively. “You actually think we’ll give up a good slave? Just like that?” He held his sides as his chuckling escalated into full-blown laughter. Some of the other foxes laughed too.
Watercress’ fur bristled at the fox’s refusal to give him back his brother. He raised the spear and pointed it at Shadowfang’s throat. “This is your last chance, fox! Give me my brother!!”
Blackpaw, the second-in-command, batted the spearpoint aside. “How dare you insult our leader? He has more brains than you could ever hope to have, otter!”
Stung, Watercress pointed the spear at Blackpaw. “You’d better eat your words, vermin!” he roared as he pricked the fox in the neck with the speartip.
Silverclaw raised a paw as he called from behind the younger otter. “Be careful…don’t lose your temper, Watercress!”
But it was too late. Blackpaw had pulled the spear from the otter’s paws as he turned to look at Silverclaw. The fox leapt onto the unarmed Watercress and produced a long dagger.
Silverclaw had his saber out in a flash and charged Blackpaw, who had Watercress flat on the ground. The fox tumbled off, his tail stinging as the older otter whacked it with the flat of his blade.
Silverclaw picked up Watercress and tried to stand him on his hindpaws, but the young otter crumpled forward. Silverclaw gasped as he saw the dagger handle protruding from Watercress’ back! He ran his paw over the furry cheek, feeling it begin to cool already. He gently pulled the dagger from his friend’s back, and looked up at Blackpaw, eyes flashing as he hurled the weapon at the fox. Luckily for Blackpaw, the otter’s anger and sorrow had impaired his aim, and the dagger merely pinned his cloak to a nearby oak.
“You’ll need that, fox,” Silverclaw growled. “As soon as I get this otter to his family, I’m coming back for you.” He gingerly picked up the limp Watercress and started running swiftly off through the forest.
Shadowfang produced a short bow and a single shaft. “You can forget about fighting Blackpaw, because you’re not coming back!” He sighted quickly and released the arrow.
Dakkan let out a strangled cry as the shaft effortlessly took down his father. Old Silverclaw grunted as the arrow struck him in the back. He collapsed limply on top of Watercress in the snow, no longer aware of his surroundings.
The foxes laughed raucously and continued following the ottertracks. They didn’t notice the small, sand-colored otter rush from his tree coverage to the side of Silverclaw.

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*is taken by suprise* waaa! Act four!? I thought you'd never post it! *laughs* (NT)Marina09:20:35 02/20/02 Wed
    Well sorry, but my time is taken up by stupid teachers who must not realize that they're not the ONLY teacher that gives us homework! I bet if they saw just how much I take home every night they'd be nicer, or just laugh evilly. (NT)Dakkan the overburdened18:45:18 02/23/02 Sat

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