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. | . | 16:42:29 04/01/02 Mon |
*Dak rushes over and grasps the arrow with one paw, placing his other paw on her ribs to brace himself.* 'Old on, mate. It's not in yore heart, so I'm gonna pull it out. Steady on, this is gonna hurt! *Quickly pulls a bottle of healing salve and a bandage from his small pouch and swiftly yanks the shaft out. Quickly he daubs on the salve and wraps a bandage around.* (NT) | Dakkan the saver!!! | 17:55:06 04/03/02 Wed |
You dork! Cummere! *the otter catches Silver before she can get to a tree and slings her in the river* Take that! Maybe next time I WON'T save you! (NT) | Dakkan who is NOT April fooling! | 18:35:23 04/09/02 Tue |
Ahh, yore probably right. But then I'd be allowed to do stuff like this to you! *grabs her soaked tail and flings her back in* (NT) | Dakkan the cruel | 19:07:26 04/11/02 Thu |
*wipes mud from his eyes* All right, you want to try me? *piles mud onto his rudder and dives forward, the mud catapulting into Silvershadow (I love mud one cares if you autohit!!)* Hoi, Katikcha, Marina, have some! *throws some mud at them too* (NT) | Dakkan | 15:07:23 04/20/02 Sat |
*Wipes mud off her face* ooooo, your going to pay for that one Dakkan! *Pelts mud at him like there is no tommorrow* | Katikcha | 18:55:08 04/22/02 Mon |
*a mud mound suddenly shouts "ptoo" and shakes itself off to reveal Dakkan, a much darker brown than normal* All right you two! Double-teamin', eh? Hah! Only one of you can get me in the water! *dives into the river and scoops up some bottom mud in either paw, then breaks the surface and flings it at Silver and Katikcha* (NT) | Dakkan | 18:48:22 04/23/02 Tue |
Yup, and the one is meeeeeeeee!!! *Katikcha runs off, and grabs a bucket. Diving into the water, she scoops up a huge pile of mud, the dumps it on Dakkans head.* And I could be you in the water and out with one back tied behind my back! | Katikcha | 04:00:49 04/24/02 Wed |
*submerges, shaking wet sand free of his headfur. Suddenly he is behind Katikcha's back before she knows he's there. He slaps a full paw of mud on her head and throws her bucket away.* Tut tut, no cheating allowed! *laughs and submerges again, swimming into midriver* (NT) | Dakkan | 13:44:33 04/26/02 Fri |
*laughs* I don't think there ever was double-teaming, here, it's everybeast for himself in a mudfight! *spits mud at Silver and dunks Katikcha, then starts lobbing mud at them both!* (NT) | Dakkan the very muddy | 14:13:35 05/03/02 Fri |
yes, spits (ain't that nice??) *uses the splash to clean off his muddy face* Thankyou Silver, I needed that! *disappears beneath the river, then reappears suddenly behind the squirrel and dumps an armload of slimy mud over her head.* Heh heh heh, gotcha! *the otter takes a running dive back into the water.* | Dakkan | 14:30:51 05/03/02 Fri |
(my last one today!) *comes to the surface and gets pelted with some mud.* All right, that's enough! *climbs out of the water, grabs Silver and tows her in* If you're gonna stand there an' whine about how you can't swim, I'm goin' to teach you!!! (NT) | Dakkan the evil | 14:43:47 05/03/02 Fri |
Aw c'mon, it's easy. You just paddle an' glide. *notes that the squirrel isn't about to let go and shrugs* As you wish...*lets go suddenly and the sapling acts like a catapult, flinging Silver into a huge mud puddle on the bank. Quickly Dakkan dunks Katikcha and swims into midstream laughing* (NT) | Dakkan | 19:38:55 05/08/02 Wed |
*grins and helps her up.* Okay, I gues mud fights are outta yore league cuz you can't swim..but what about...? *squishes an elderberry pie in her face and leaps back to the long feasting table to load up on more ammo.* FOOD FIGHT!!! (NT) | Dakkan | 09:40:23 05/11/02 Sat |
*gets heavily splatted with mash such that he falls backward.* All right, that's just cruelty! *wipes mash off his face and spits out the rest* Ptoo! Yukk! All right, take this! *runs up, grabs Katikcha around the waist, and hurls her onto the table, right into the middle of the biggest pot of warm hotroot soup ever made!* (NT) | Dakkan | 20:45:49 05/11/02 Sat |
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! oh my gosh!!! boy have i missed a lot!!! stupid silver scaring me like that!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr!!! okay................yeah...............i'm alittle late on that!! oh well!! I'm such a loser!! (NT) | salpik | 13:02:01 05/15/02 Wed |
*Katikcha ducks a dinner roll* You didn't run Dakkan, your gonna get it! *Throws the triffle right into his face* Have at you! | Katikcha | 00:19:24 05/19/02 Sun |
(I don't know what a "triffle" is...if they don't splat, too bad, they do now!) *Dakkan gets splatted horribly, and he sinks to the floor, moaning.* Help...I've been splatted...uhhhh..*springs upright, laughing, and throws tomatoes at Katikcha, Silver, and Salpik.* (NT) | Dakkan | 15:27:17 05/20/02 Mon |
hey!!! thats not fair!!!*licks face* but this is really tasty!! i was gettn' hungry!!!!! *smiles an evil grin at dakkan then throws a cream pie at dakkan* take that!!! (NT) | Salpik | 09:37:02 05/25/02 Sat |
Silver!!! you are mixed up!!! apparently you haven't been with me for a while or else you'd know that i'm a guy!!!!*jumps on silver and smashes cream pie in her face* take that you squirrel!!!!! *then runs toward dakkan* (NT) | salpik the holder of cream pies!!! | 09:40:38 05/25/02 Sat |
*an otter crawls on the floor*can i play too??*then ducks just in time out of the way of a dinner roll* (NT) | Naka | 12:32:23 05/29/02 Wed |
*licks the remains of the triffle from his face then begins work on the newly arrived cream pie.* Jeez, an otter's work is never done...*grabs a giant raspberry pudding and runs into Salpik football-style (tackle...hah hah!). That accomplished, he grabs a sack of candied chestnuts and chucks the delicious ammo at everybeast* (NT) | Dakkan who also has exams, but next week...then I'm free! | 15:07:20 05/29/02 Wed |
- **silver-red female squirrel cremes Naka with a cherry pie.** Well, now that you've been given the official Calyn greeting, introduce yerself, where ya from, why yer here, and wotnot like that. Here I'll start, I'm Silvershadow(sil, or silver fer short) and I am here cuz this is the best site in the entire world, with some of the greatest beast you will ever come acquainted with! And I mean it too, you beasts are really fun! ('cept dakkan we wonder about) **laughs** (NT) -- Silvershadow, 14:21:15 05/30/02 Thu
- *glares at Silver* I'm Dakkan, some call me Dak but usually that's only Silver. We're all fun beasts here I s'pose, and all sane too, but that Silvershadow squirrel, we're not certain about her...*stifles a chuckle* (NT) -- Dakkan the getter-backer-atter (hah!!!!), 18:52:09 05/31/02 Fri
I'm an otter(Of course!!) I come from the land of Moss Peak, and when I heard about this place from my good friend salpik I decided to check it out!!*Goes over and pats salpik on the back,then smashes a cherry pie in his face* You needed that you ol' otter!! (NT) | Naka | 12:30:57 06/03/02 Mon |
*Salpik smiles at his ol' friend* How have you been old mate?? I haven't seen you since I was just a little sea otter!!! How'd ya find me??!! (NT) | Salpik who found his old friend!!!! | 12:40:52 06/03/02 Mon |
I've been on many adventures trying to find the creature that killed my parents!!!!!*looks at salpik* You are the only family I have now mate!!! (NT) | Naka who has lived a horrible life!!! | 12:59:31 06/03/02 Mon |
*awwww!! You can live with me!!! I've got room for 5 mateys!!! an' food for.....a year!! ....don't worry mateys i'll share....but I've used most of my food in food fights so theres not a wholelot left!!! (NT) | Salpik the keeper of precious food! | 13:14:12 06/03/02 Mon |
*Katikcha throws a bolw of jelly at Salpik* Hey matey. It's meeee!!! *Smiles at Naka* Hi, I'm Katikcha, and me paws as true as me heart. How are you? *The female otter walks up to Naka and whispers in her ear* Actually, we all worry about both Dakkan and Silver! *Calls out* Hey guys, 'as anyone seen Marina lately. I ain't seen hide nor hair of her for ages! | Katikcha | 00:46:18 06/04/02 Tue |
Yes, I wonder where she is. I probably have her email in my address book, I should send her one and ask matter. *splats everyone with strawberry custard* (NT) | Dakkan | 11:45:00 06/05/02 Wed |
*splats the squirrel with a cream pie, then rounds on Katikcha with a plum tart barrage* Hah hah, me too! NO MORE SKOOL!!! And camp this week, so me, Silver, and Salpik won't be here until Saturday the 16th. Seeya until thern! (NT) | Dakkan | 20:06:22 06/08/02 Sat |
All right, so it's the 15th, not the 16th. Anyhow, we're back! *throws a pan of strawberry cordial into the air, and suddenly a strange pink rain descends on everybeast* (NT) | Dakkan | 15:09:02 06/15/02 Sat |
*spits* Ptoo! Gross, cherry pie! *wipes the fruit and cream off his face and transplants it onto Silver's forehead before wiping the remainder on Katikcha's back.* Yukk! Sick-minded squirrel...*grabs an apple pie and munches on it* (NT) | Dakkan | 13:50:10 06/18/02 Tue |
Do you know, when you mention "pie" down here, all we eat are meat or apple pies. I have never eaten cherrie or blueberry or bannana pie. *sniff* how sad is that! | Katikcha | 01:26:22 06/23/02 Sun |
*dreamy look* Mmm, apple pie... (NT) | Dakkan | 10:55:19 06/25/02 Tue |
- I feel for you. I am sorry. **splats a good old strawberry on her head** Now I have a reason not to move to Austrailia. (NT) -- Silvershadow, 14:12:05 06/29/02 Sat
- *Licks the strawberry then proceeds to smear Vegimite on silver's head* And there is another mate! Honestly though, the blessed Down Under is a great free place to live! We are better than you yankees! (KIDING!) (OOC: no, I have nothing against Americans, I am an american citerzen, but like I said on Lancepaws, I'm sick of acting all "English" and not expressing how I, and most Ausies really talk mate) (NT) -- KAtikcha, 01:04:01 07/01/02 Mon
- Ooc: Go right ahead, I think Austrailians, Irish, and brittish are the coolest accents, even though they probably think I'm the one with the accent... What I want to know is why when something bad happens to any country us "yankees" rush in to help as fast as physically possible. When something happened to us, (9/11) no other country sent rescue workers, or hospital workers, or anything. Their leaders called our president and said "Oh yah, we'll help" but when push came to shove they ignored us. I want to know what is the matter with that. Bic. **after a few sniffes she rushes to the river, and washes her face.** EWWW That junk smells awful! **grabs a basket of biscuts, and starts pelting Katikcha with them.** (NT) -- Silvershadow, 07:57:56 07/01/02 Mon
(OOC: Two reasons, I think. One is that you guys didn't need us with the whole ambulance thing, and do you know how long it takes for anything to happen here? We are talking about Australia. Also, you asked, and was given, pleanty of help in Afghanistan. Two) I think Australia wants to stay out of world wars or Ghihads as long as possible. We are thought of as a tourist destination, and I wanna stay that way mate! I mean, crickey when the rubber hits the road, who wants to be killed?) BIC: *Ducks as the missiles fire at her* You'll never catch me alive! *Katikcha yells as she grabs a bottle of 'marty sauce and squeezes it in Silver's direction* | Katikcha | 23:35:54 07/01/02 Mon |
*Dak rushes in from the Far West, back from his vacation!!* What's this now, politics?? *grins evilly* Don't get me started, I draw political cartoons, y'know. Anyhoo, Silver, I think it's cuz all these countries have their own domestic affairs to worry about. If the stock market crashed tomorrow, d'you think we'd concentrate on our hungry and poor or the ones in Africa? And Katikcha's right, most of our allies did help us in Afghanistan. Now all we need to do is root out Osama! If I had five minutes alone with the guy...*grinds his teeth, then suddenly wonders why he's talking about this sort of thing and finds a sort of primitive Redwall-version of a can of Cheez Wiz and squirts it all over his two mateys* (NT) | Dakkan, who is curious...How do you pronounce "Katikcha"? | 09:48:57 07/16/02 Tue |
I think everyone feels that way about O.b.L. That guy is about as popular as a pork chop in Jerusalam. Honestly mates, he is one scary dude. But look on the bright side....... is there a bright side..... hmmm.... skip that! And we have sooooo much to worry about at the moment with this detention center thing. I swear, everyone critisises us, but we can't come up with a better system. I mean, the detainees should be kept better, i agree. But other than that... what can we do? Hmm... ) *Katikcha ducks the "Cheez wiz" (Whatever that is) and pops up grinning. *Well mate, I ain't sure if they have vegimite there either, but here comes some more of the lethal stuff! | Katikcha pronounced... Kat-ik-cha. I don't know, i say it! | 17:19:55 07/17/02 Wed |
I think everyone feels that way about O.b.L. That guy is about as popular as a pork chop in Jerusalam. Honestly mates, he is one scary dude. But look on the bright side....... is there a bright side..... hmmm.... skip that! And we have sooooo much to worry about at the moment with this detention center thing. I swear, everyone critisises us, but we can't come up with a better system. I mean, the detainees should be kept better, i agree. But other than that... what can we do? Hmm... ) *Katikcha ducks the "Cheez wiz" (Whatever that is) and pops up grinning. *Well mate, I ain't sure if they have vegimite there either, but here comes some more of the lethal stuff! | Katikcha pronounced... Kat-ik-cha. I don't know, i say it! | 17:20:11 07/17/02 Wed |
*falls back trying to breathe through his mouth* Uuuuuurrrgh! Biological warfare, you twisted little rodent! I swear!...*pulls a few dead yet fresh fish he'd caught only hours earlier and hurls them into Silver's face* (NT) | Dakkan | 13:21:10 08/02/02 Fri |
*a few bounce off his head before he ducks under a table. There he finds a bowl of what probably used to be vegetable soup (several seasons back, that is...). As Silver comes closer with more cheese, he rolls out from under the table and sends the bowl's slimy contents into her face! (NT) | Dakkan the not-afraid-to-get-ya-back!! (hah!) | 17:36:36 08/10/02 Sat |
*Salpik walks in....again....*EWWWW!!! silver!! where in the world did you get that milk!!! don't splash any on me!!!! (NT) | Salpik! the outcast of holt calyn!! | 11:58:25 08/29/02 Thu |
*Naka just sits there by herself with food all over her..* sigh!! oh!! I'm guessing you wanna know where I'm from in real life!!!*looks at everyone...hoping they will listen to her* I'm from Arizona...Tucson that is!! and I think I might as well dump some ice cream on me because it's as hot as the dickens over here!!!*Naka gets 5 gallons of ice cream* any one else want some?? its yummy!!! (NT) | Naka!! who just came back!! yippie!! | 12:02:23 08/29/02 Thu |
Wot wot!!! I say!! might I join in on this little fight of yours!! I've been hiding for sometime now and it sounds like you guys were have the best of times over here!! So!! If you don't mind me barging in like this I'd like to join in!!*The hare walks over and looks at Katikcha* Well aren't we the pretty one here!! Whats a delicut thing like you doin' here with all thes ruff males?!*then Bounder thinks* Please excuse me!! I just realized that you're not like those other ladies I've met! You must be the otter that the others have been speaking of!! strong and what not!*Bounder then grins!* (NT) | Bounder the great!! | 12:29:09 08/29/02 Thu |
Yuck!! don't be dripping that there soup on me you little squirrel!!!!*looks at silver very seriously* the only thing that you can drip on my fair head is pudden'!!*dumps a gallon of pudden'on silver!!* HAHAHA!! take that you silly squirrel!! let that be a lesson tae!!! (NT) | Salpik!! | 12:33:37 09/03/02 Tue |
I say I'm alittle peckish!! would one of you be so kind and pass me some rolls or something! I just ran 7miles in the hot sun wot!! and while you're at it if you would so kindly get me some water?? never mind!! I've found me some right here!!! oh happy day!! do any of you lads run long in the hot sun sun like me??? I would like a friend to discuss it with!! to complain to and cheer on wot wot!! (NT) | Bounder | 12:52:17 09/03/02 Tue |
*salpik walks over to dak and silver* here you go mates!!*salpik dumps a huge bucket full of ice cold water on her mateys* that should make you fell better!! I mean you've been running forever today in 91 degree weather!! *turns to bounder* would you like some too mate?? it seems you've been having a horrid time as well!! (NT) | salpik the saver of those who are dead tired and hot! | 13:03:09 09/03/02 Tue |
*salpik walks over to dak and silver* here you go mates!!*salpik dumps a huge bucket full of ice cold water on his mateys* that should make you fell better!! I mean you've been running forever today in 91 degree weather!! *turns to bounder* would you like some too mate?? it seems you've been having a horrid time as well!! (NT) | salpik the saver of those who are dead tired and hot! | 13:04:43 09/03/02 Tue |
Oh no!! now you get it! *dumps water on hisself and then starts to shake so it gets all over silver* HA! now you're dirty! *then salpik runs away...then slips and falls in a puddle of mud! But only one side oh him is covered in mud!* ok ok..I know how you feel now silver!! being covered in mud on one side!lol! (NT) | Salpik | 11:48:25 09/11/02 Wed |
Hey you guys..if you don't mind me asking...where did everyone like Tangle and Lancepaw and Marina go?? I wanna meet them if possible!! *sighs* (NT) | A very confuse salpik | 12:13:27 09/11/02 Wed |
*Naka sneaks up behind silvershadow and dumps a gallon of chocolate syrup all over her!*I know that will mess up yer tail but just think! it was all in good fun!* then Naka runs away hoping she won't get hit with one of silvershadows mud balls!* (NT) | Naka | 12:13:43 09/16/02 Mon |
*being very sad...naka hides* Sniffle!! you don't hafta yell at me!! it's all in good fun!! *then naka runs away* (NT) | very very sad naka | 12:27:15 09/30/02 Mon |
*Darkshadow walks onto the scene looking kinda confused* hiya. what are you dorks doing?? (dorks referring to sal, sil, and dak) (NT) | Darkshadow the confusid newbie | 12:35:18 09/30/02 Mon |
*looks around* you guys have been having fun havent ya? (NT) | Darkshadow | 12:39:11 09/30/02 Mon |
What are you talking about??!! We aren't dorks!!*gives Darkshadow a mean grin!* (NT) | Salpik | 12:40:14 09/30/02 Mon |
You confounded squirrel!! Don't you yell at my friend Naka!! * throws silver into the lake!* there!! take that!! (NT) | Salpik | 12:42:16 09/30/02 Mon |
yes you are! DORK! *evil grin* fruit. hee hee *pulls out a piece of fruit* (NT) | Darkshadow the fruit lovin' otter | 12:43:42 09/30/02 Mon |
*throws the piece of fruit at Salpik's head* ha ha!! (NT) | Darkshadow | 12:47:26 09/30/02 Mon |
*grrr!* even though I love fruit I hate it in my face like that!!!!*wipes it off and graps an apple core* Darkshadow, who's you're best friend?*throws apple core right into darkshadow's face and then runs away!* (NT) | Salpik who makes a funny!! | 12:49:35 09/30/02 Mon |
SALPIK! YA CONFOUNDED FRUIT NUGGET OF AN OTTER!!!! THAT HURTED! when I get my hands on him he's gonna get a face full of mud.... *mutters to herself* (NT) | Dark | 12:55:27 09/30/02 Mon |
*scratches his head* (NT) | Dakkan the lost otter | 16:11:52 10/04/02 Fri |
*Naka looks at Darkshadow confused* hi? I'm Naka! the way cool otter!! who are you?*prolly and otter too ey'?* I think we need a squirrel here for old silver!! just a moment!! I'll be back!! *runs off into woods!* (NT) | Naka | 11:46:01 11/04/02 Mon |
*Naka runs in* hey ya'll! I'm back!! and with a friend!!! Presenting.........*drum roll* Pikle the squirrel! hope you and silver get along well*then looks to silver* I forgive you! I'm such a crybaby at times....I'm such a dork! (NT) | Naka | 11:57:42 11/04/02 Mon |
*the chestnut brown squirrel walks up to Silver* Here you go!! these are for you!*Pikle then gives her a bunch of candied chestnuts!* I hope you like them!!*then he sits down on a rock and starts to nibble on a dinner roll with jam!* (NT) | Pikle | 12:01:07 11/04/02 Mon |
*looks at silvershadow* I made them me self I did! I get the nuts and spend one or two hours of me day to make them...I do it once or twice a month! (NT) | Pikle | 06:36:04 12/05/02 Thu |