Subject: Here's a short bit, don't have lots of time! PART SIX |
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Date Posted: 18:37:27 04/23/02 Tue
In reply to:
's message, "*takes a deeeep breath*" on 15:59:48 01/05/02 Sat
Having driven the foxes back with the ferocity of their attack, the otters turned tail and made for their den, the wounded stumbling a little. Dartweed took a torch from a wall bracket and extinguished the rest, hoping to leave any pursuers in the dark. He led his little band through a tunnel in the den that was virtually unused. At the end was an underground section of the river that flowed not far from the entrance of the den.
“Follow me to the emergency den!” whispered Dartweed urgently. After placing his torch in the single wall sconce, he dove into the water and was gone. By the light of the small flame, the rest jumped into the river. The last one flung a spray of water upward, extinguishing the torch before he, too, was gone. The cavern was once more enshrouded in darkness.
Seconds later, the foxes bundled onto the ledge that overhung the section of underground river. A few had had the foresight to light a couple of torches and bring them along.
“Blast! The plank-tailed idiots have escaped!” announced Shadowfang angrily. “If you dolts has just run faster…”
“Perhaps they’re just hiding in the water down there ‘till we leave,” suggested the fox who had taken the dart in his hindpaw as he wrapped a bandage around the wound.
Shadowfang strode over and yanked on the end of the bandage, pulling it extremely tight. Ignoring his follower’s yelps of pain, the black fox gritted into his face, “I can see by this torchlight that there’s nothing down there but rocks, mud, and water. They’ve escaped into the open river by that hole in the rock over there. Unless you want to go look yourself.” He kicked the injured fox over the edge and into the water.
Turning abruptly, Shadowfang addressed his band. “The otters have gotten away; this I can’t help. You are free to plunder their food storage and valuables, though. I’m sure we’ll find slaves elsewhere.”
The fox with the injured paw eventually climbed, dripping, from the water and joined the rest in stealing whatever could be found in the otters’ den. However, the double-edged saber that had belonged to Silverclaw lay forgotten in the snow-covered tall grass by the entrance. The foxes left the den without even knowing of its presence.
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