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Date Posted: 23:20:00 02/19/07 Mon
Author: Briar Rose
Subject: Don't know about that, but....
In reply to: jstarwolf 's message, "real vampires" on 08:40:43 01/15/07 Mon

google up Sanguinarians and you will find that there is a medical condition that relates to vampirism. This is not per-se the "vampire" that is common to fiction and myth, but it is a real human condition (normally having to do with chemical/nutritional imbalance in the body).

here are two:

I'm trying to find the totally medical one (new computer - so I lost most of my book marks), which was covered on the television show 20/20 or NBC Investigates type show around May or June of last year. It really helped me to deal with my own problems with blood cravings, which had affected me all of my life and I never really understood that it was related to chemical changes in my body. Most sanguinarians can take care of the craving with animal meat/blood. But some are not satisfied without human blood.

this condition also tends to go along with sensitivity to sun and bright light and other hallmarks of the "Vampire", and may have started some of the myths, or at least perpetuated them in modern society.

Happy hunting.

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