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Date Posted: 09:57:19 03/17/07 Sat
Author: Tchaikovsky
Subject: Lovely post
In reply to: Pony 's message, "Buffy 8.1 - Spoilers" on 20:07:18 03/14/07 Wed

I still find the experience of typing in this little white box bemusingly retro, but hey.

Coming from the other side of the The Girl In Question divide, I still loved the little jink that the story did there. As much as it changed the literality of what was going on in 5.20, it keeps the theme powerfully intact- the whole point is that Angel and Spike and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are minor, and that the centre of what we perceive to be the story, (Hamlet, Buffy, Superman), is elsewhere. So whether it was her in Rome or whether it was all just a decoy doesn't screw up the thrust of that old story. And so as retcons go, I liked it.

The overall shape of the story, which I'm always interested in, was a trifle peculiar. There wasn't really any kind of story. In the sense that the creators have been comparing issues to episodes, this required a readjustment in my mind- this was the first act of a standalone episode or an extremely short episode in a long arc, rather than what I may have taken to be implied. Yet there were definite coolnesses:

'It's like a frown turned upside down. And then turned upside down again'.
'So, a frown then.'
Typical Xander word-klutziness. With added vim.

What's going on with the SHIELD-aware assistant? A tad of sexual tension?

I loved the section in Buffy's mind after she leaves talking about Dawn. It epitomises Joss' writing style. The accurate, (sisters squabbling), the poignant, (the lovely picture of Buffy on the panel saying 'I miss Mom' is my favourite drawing), the funny, (churros), the raunchy-sincere, the unsettled.

As usual, the actual plot contrivance, (man with symbol, military operations), somewhat bores me, although, if carefully handled, I suppose the comparison between Buffy's operation and the mysterious cells of a terrorist organisation could be interesting. Though it has to mostly be about the personal drama, I would have thought.

I completely agree with you over Dawn- there basically has to be a second, more concrete reason why Dawn wants to talk to Willow about it. If this is anything like Real Buffy, then a decision like that is not just emotional, but also made for a literal reason.

Do you think it's D'Hoffryn? I'm rubbish at this kinda guessing game.

An interesting issue. I'm not sold yet, but there were elements of the comfortable about it that I've missed. Rather like posting here...


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