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Date Posted: 20:07:18 03/14/07 Wed
Author: Pony
Subject: Buffy 8.1 - Spoilers

Wow, I feel rusty posting on the board - but it's new BtVS and new BtVs means the board for me, so let's get the party started!

Being very much a set-up issue this first comic felt... very much like a set-up issue. And of course I'd read the first four pages in the preview so was spoiled for the big revelation - delivered almost literally as an afterthought - that AtS's TGIQ had the wrong girl and that Buffy never was in Rome dating the Immortal. I still love that bit, not only because I reallllly don't like TGIQ, but because of the easy way it shows Joss taking control of his story, that and because it fits perfectly with the Buffy we left in s7 and the one we meet here.

I was realizing that aside from Passion and a few bits in Earshot we never heard characters' thoughts on the show so to have first Buffy and then Xander give us a bit of personal narration was pretty neat. Buffy's voice internal or external was very much her voice and it comes through so clearly here it's like hearing it. She's still quippy and still not at home in the world she's helped make. I'm guessing judging by the title of this arc, The Long Way Home, and Buffy's thoughts, that figuring out what "home" is will be a theme. Also Buffy and Dawn not getting along relates to Buffy's unease - Dawn being the part of Buffy that she always tries to protect, perhaps keep safely hidden away, and now Dawn's huge and unable to contain? Hmm. That Buffy's self-reflective moment of mourning gets derailed by thoughts about Dawn seems significant. Of course I'm giggling a bit at the thought of certain members of fandom inevitably deciding that Buffy is teh evil for not mentioning Spike among the things she misses, or if we are to assume the sex she says she misses is with him (and I kinda am) that it's ranked below a type of doughnut. But I thought that was a lovely sad and very Buffy moment - I don't think that even in her own thoughts Buffy gets too close to her feelings. "Great muppety Odin" is an awesome line too.

Random bits:
-- The reviews I've read seem to assume that Buffy is right and that Dawn's giant problem was caused by losing her virginity. But I'm thinking it's going to be something else.

-- I'm really not sure about how Joss is writing characters with accents. The slayer in the baseball cap who was apparently supposed to be Russian was particularly painful.

-- Xander aka Nick Fury is cool but something about the military outfit - especially when the US military is looking to be a villian in the story - made me a bit uneasy.

-- so who's Amy's boyfriend? Rack wouldn't really want a weapons lab I don't think, and the reaction of the general makes me think that he might not be human. So who could it be?

-- hovering boots person and dead scarred guys with weapons, hmm. I'm wondering if we might get a tie-in to that group that attacked Wolfram & Hart early on in AtS s5.

Overall good art and great dialogue and much much too short. And now a month! A month of waiting, these single issue comics are going to kill me.

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