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Date Posted: 19:36:39 03/18/07 Sun
Author: OnM
Subject: Buffy 8.1 - Selling big time? So it seems... * NO SPOILERS *
In reply to: Pony 's message, "Buffy 8.1 - Spoilers" on 20:07:18 03/14/07 Wed

There's an interesting comment within this e-mail I recently received from what I understand is a major 'net supplier to the comics community, and I thought I'd share (bold/italics mine):


Shipments of Buffy #1 and Buffy #1 Variant will begin on Monday, March 19th, and we expect to ship the majority of the orders by Wednesday, March 21st. However, due to the sheer number of packages and the additional shipments created on Wednesday afternoon, some orders may not be shipped until the end of the week. As always, we ship expedited orders first, and by "date ordered" after that. So customers who placed their order in January will be shipped before customers who ordered last week.

This is also the largest shipment of comics we have EVER processed, so we must please ask for your patience while we work through these orders as quickly as possible. We have called in extra shipping staff and greatly expanded our shipping department's hours to accommodate this massive volume. We appreciate your excitement about this new series, and we're doing everything in our power to get your comics shipped as quickly as possible.


Well... gosh!


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