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Date Posted: 05:38:45 04/05/07 Thu
Author: Michael
Subject: Re: Random thoughts on 8.2 - Spoilers
In reply to: Pony 's message, "Re: Random thoughts on 8.2 - Spoilers" on 17:46:22 04/04/07 Wed

Faceless man in black (he called Buffy "My Love"):
Did Rudolph Martin, er, I mean Dracula ever call Buffy that? I'm pretty he did say something like he had "so many things to teach you, about your history, your power" (S5 BvD).

Amy|Kat: the dream spell seems similar to what Amy did to Willow in S7 (TKIM). Still hope its Katherine, but I don't know...

Amy's "boyfriend", no clue now. Loved Joss' flying misdirection, i.e. Buffy deserves a sadistic flying dragon flaming her to ashes (just following her giving Xander you-no-what in his shiny neo-watcher suit).

Suits. Mentioned twice in oddly suspecious places. Nude Dawn splahing Xander and the General/hairy chest guy guy with symbol scars. That symbol somehow says "Sythe That Matters" to me... Xander's suit also prominant in Buffy giving Xander h**** (didn't say it)

Andrew appears to be in Spain, yes? Where is Giles? Is that St. Petersberg?

Xander's Jammies!

Feels Slight: yeah. I was wondering if it was me. I'm having trouble with each comic book being like an episode (22 per season). The "arc" plans I've heard do sound similar, though.

Don't get me wrong, therrrre great! I'm thinking I would like it more better if one a week or wait for GN book.

Btw: these comics do get deeper the more you look, Buffy echoing Spike ("Oh Ba--s"), her fancy pants (early scene), and I think we lost someone already in that battle?

And last (yeah right; I swear I will try to behave better), I take back what I wondered about canceling the canon status of the novel Queen of the Slayers by Nancy H. That source was Wiki, anyway. It may trump it (or Joss may weave together just for Spike, er, spite.

There's sequel novel just out by Christopher Golden also...

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