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Date Posted: 13:13:57 05/09/07 Wed
Author: ibiji
Subject: Angel loves Buffy.

Hi Everyone.

I realized that I wrote my long post "There is an Angel in her Heart" as if it were a personal journal entry, but then by posting it publicly it seems to me it wouldn't make any sense to anyone (besides me) who might try and read it!

In a nutshell:

I read on wikipedia that the Buffy comic might be introducing a "true lover" of Buffy.

I feel strongly that Buffy has Angel in her heart.

I feel even more strongly that Angel has Buffy in her heart.

Coincidentally, back in Feb, I was hit by a vision of a Buffy and Angel film that would pick up and resolve this matter (of Buffy and Angel's love).

The visions hit me with a full-fledged story that flashed before my eyes.

I am not here to tell what happens in the story / film / vision, but I will say that it begins with Angel coming to the realization that he and Buffy had true love, and they MUST be together -- f*** the curse, and the hell with circumstances, Angel decides, we'll fix everything, and we will be together.

That is how the vision / story / film begins.

In an extremely dorky style, I recorded (told) the entire vision / film / story on a DVD (with me in full dork mode telling the story) and sent it to Joss and some 17 other Buffy cast / producers, via their agents. No, I didn't think they'd get back to me or even watch it, but I sent it anyway.

The entire vision / film / story felt to me like it was "beyond my control" as "author" or "writer": it felt like I simply saw, like either a shaman or an idiot, if you will, what the characters would do. What each of the characters would do if they were not "written" by a writer: if they had a life and a will of their own: Buffy, Angel, Spike, the Scoobies, Faith, a Big Bad, etc. What they would do if they had a will of their own."

I don't think it'd be as excellent a story as the finest (typical!) of Joss's, and I even suspect there is quite a bit of fan fiction out there that provides better and truly excellent Buffy / Angel stories.

But I can't get this vision / film / story --their events -- out of my mind.

I think it is what the characters would do.

I believe the vision / story / film that hit me is simply a natural evolution of the Buffy and Angel dynamic seen in the 7 TV seasons of Buffy.

This, timed with current issues of "who is Buffy's true love?" made me write my entry.

As a premise and to boil it down to a nutshell, I "summarized" key parts of the 7 Buffy TV seasons figuratively, AS IF the 7 seasons were a brief fairy tale.

I think the Buffy and Angel tale is unfinished, and unresolved.

Hence my question to the Buffy fans of the planet:

Premise: let yourself IMAGINE these characters decide their own fates. (not you, not me, not Joss, not any writer. Angel, Buffy, et al, They decide their own fates)

What will they do?

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