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Date Posted: 14:28:09 05/26/07 Sat
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.8: Human Nature - No Spoilers
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

The series gets back on track with the first half of this two parter. A fairly significant part of what Human Nature has got going for it is the extent to which it departs from the usual format so I won't spoil anyone on that.

I suspect that the writer, Paul Cornell in this instance, had a clear idea that his concept would be unnerving, that's certainly what made it to the screen. Again without going into any details there are a number of horror genre resonances, tricks perhaps, which are well executed so the fear element is captured without breaking any of the taboos and restrictions placed on programs intended for an early evening showing. Most importantly the multiple elements of creepiness are insinuated into the plot smoothly without being in any way clumsy. Possibly the lack of any explanation or lead in of one these elements beyond a single almost throwaway line is how the clumsiness is avoided. Others might have a different perception of this aspect but it worked well as far as I was concerned.

David Tennant gets to show off a bit by giving us more range than usual within the limits of the Doctor's essential character. How we're going to get back to normal by the end of the next episode is by no means obvious to me; let's hope that the second, concluding, part can live up to the promise of the set-up.

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  • Episode 3.9: The Family Of Blood * No Spoilers* -- Celebaelin, 13:33:13 06/03/07 Sun

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