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Date Posted: 13:33:13 06/03/07 Sun
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.9: The Family Of Blood * No Spoilers*
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

Well, didn't that one just fly past! Certainly this was the most successfully worked two parter to date and thus, given my oft stated preference for extended storylines, I'd have to say that this is my favourite adventure of the new series. Some nice performances all round and some chilling villains mesh well and we get an insight into the darker side of The Doctor in his doling out of poetic justice to the bad guys.

If for no better reason than that the praise is of no value if the object of such has been viewed without a critical eye I will say that I thought the evil footsoldiers were not handled to the best effect. Without spoilers I can't suggest exactly what I consider would have been a better approach but let's just say that I'd have gone in a more Dawn Of The Dead direction without altering the nature of the footsoldiers themselves. Another slight complaint is that the lighting effect used for The Family's communication was a bit laughable and it might have been better to omit it altogether.

Other than those two points there wasn't much to complain about really, the last five minutes or so had a definite tang of sorting out the loose ends to it but on reflection whilst some of those elements might have occupied a little bit more screen time in longer version I don't think they could have been appreciably expanded without labouring the point of the various scenes. Perhaps they could have been split up rather than all presented in succession, that might also have served to provide 'normal' counterpoint to the Dark Doctor. I really like this new element of the persona incidentally, as I suspect the majority of BtVS and AtS fans will if they see it. I hope it features again from time to time so we don't forget 'Hey, Time Lord.'

I still think that four or six parters would be more satisfying in the same sense that a four course meal followed by cheese and then coffee is superior experience to a light lunch; but if you're in the mood for a snack you could do a lot worse than a nibble of this one!

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  • Episode 3.10: Blink *No Spoilers* -- Celebaelin, 12:23:01 06/09/07 Sat

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