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Date Posted: 15:16:34 06/12/07 Tue
Author: Maria
Subject: Unclear thing about Connor-and praise to you

Hi. I have been lurking around a bit on this board and have to say; I never been anywhere else, reading so many insightful and intelligent analyses and messages as in this place.
So. I was wondering, being a relativly new watcher, looking trough season 4 of AtS, Connor have come to be my favorite.
Although I cant agree with the storyline sometimes, he is still a very interesting character according to me.
It is great to have found a place without the usual; he is annoying/he is ugly/I hate him and he need to die-posts. Everyone is intitled to their own opinions, but it is refreshing to see debates above that level when it comes to Connor. Thank you.
I do think there are many unclear things about him though.

What I wonder is mostly is about "Home". Watching that episode yesterday (havenīt dared to watch it since my first time until now. To traumatic) made me wonder a bit.
Is it just me or do Connor invites Angel to kill him?
Is his "goal" to kill loads of people (and Cordelia) or to commit suicide in the same way Faith tried, by forcing Angel to kill him?
I just thought Connors last words was almost daring Angel to do the deed. Since he grew up with Holtz, maybe suicide by his own hands would be to far away from Holtz beliefs?
I dont know, maybe you can share some light over this with me.

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