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Date Posted: 15:50:42 06/11/07 Mon
Author: manwitch
Subject: Nostalgic complaints, but still glad of it (Buffy 8.1, 8.2)

So my wife got me the first two issues for my birthday.

Dawn was, in the TV series, metaphorical of Buffy's potential. At the end of the series, Buffy, through her actions, greatly expanded her potential as a spiritual agent in the world. So that's a jumping off point for what we see with Dawn. I'm sure that, if the comic is still using metaphors the way the tv show did, Dawn's engorgement will mean significantly more than that, but that's a jumping off point.

Is the comic getting all metaphorical on them comic book readers? (I haven't read comics since Swamp Thing in the seventies.) Well, tough to know. There seems to be some religious stuff going on. Note that there are 3 Buffies. One hangs out in Rome with the immortal, one is "literally underground" and our Buffy has descended from the sky to participate in action in the world. Hmmmmm.

In Buffy's nightmare, she is basically crucified, and then makes a strange transition from obliquely paralleling Christ to paralleling Brunhilde. Not entirley flattering, but she has gotten more voluptuous in the comic book art. Now she waits for the kiss of true love, which only seems to mean "a kiss from someone that digs her."

I miss the music from this show desperately. I hadn't watched an episode of Buffy for about a year, and the comic made me put one on the other day. I ended up watching like six hours. Sometimes you watch Lost or Veronica or Gray's, and they're fine, nothing against them, but you start to wonder, was Buffy really all that? And then you watch one again, and yeah, it was. The comic can't do the music, and its gonna be tough to make up for that.

I also wonder, to a degree, what Mr Whedon is doing. Maybe he just wanted to do a comic, but he could've done anything. People woulda let him do a comic. He chose to do Buffy, and he chose to do specifically a Season 8. And he has stressed, whether as a warning to fans or to cast members in unclear, that this is "canonical."

Is he trying to close the door on a movie? Does he have a movie in mind and is he trying to get himself there? Is he negotiating with cast and using the comic as a hardball tactic?

I don't know. I find the comic painful for a number of reasons. The lack of music. Also the comic book nature of the drawings. I know I should just appreciate that and get a kick out of it, but I'm shallow, and the gloriously beautiful nature of the cast of that show appealed to me. The artists have thusfar failed to catch what I loved about looking at them all. I have yet to see any new ground being tread, either in the plot of the show, in the themes and resonances of the show, or in the medium itself, not that I'd be an expert on that. The television show blasted you with all of those in its season premieres. The dream sequences, they're still there, but they don't read the same.

I know i know i know. Dude, it is what it is. Stop criticising it for not being what you wanted. Ok. Point taken.

Is this supposed to be AFTER the last Angel, or concurrent to the final Angel season? Any indicators of that yet?

gotta run. Best to all.

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