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Date Posted: 19:15:28 06/14/07 Thu
Author: Isabel
Subject: Re: Nostalgic complaints, but still glad of it (Buffy 8.1, 8.2, ) Serenity Spoiler
In reply to: manwitch 's message, "Nostalgic complaints, but still glad of it (Buffy 8.1, 8.2)" on 15:50:42 06/11/07 Mon

The comic takes place after the last Angel. They're awfully organized and well armed in new weapons for this to be only a few months later. Plus they mention that Dawn is at Berkeley. She was a Sophomore when they left Sunnydale so I'm figuring it's 2007 in their world.

What I don't like is that they're so short. I bemoaned the 42 minutes of the episodes and now we have 22 pages?!

I know they're comic books. I never got into comics, so I don't get the conventions of the form. I was reading the review further down the page by Age where he's analysing the vertical/horizonal relationships between the panels as representative of the feminine vs masculine philosophies of the characters in the panels. Upon reflection, I think Age is probably right, but I didn't care. I was ticked off because that meant that there were only 4 panels on a page instead of a possible 6-9. I felt ripped off.

Sigh. The truth is I miss Buffy and Angel and Firefly. I have yet to find any show that holds my interest so completely. So I guess I'm saying I'll still buy the comic. At least until he pisses me off.

I am uncomfortable reading the comic. Partly, I'm afraid they're going to alter the characters irretrievably for me. Plus, there's no feeling of who these people have become.

And let's not forget Serenity. Joss went back to that universe to wrap up loose ends and decided to kill Wash to give the audience an emotional punch. I loved that character and it still ticks me off.

Now he's gone back to Buffy and I fear for my favorite characters.

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