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Date Posted: 12:41:35 06/16/07 Sat
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.11: Utopia *Only Minor Spoilers*
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

This one's fast moving in more ways than one, in fact there's so much running around it almost seems unecessary. Perhaps shots of people stopping or reaching their intended destination would have jarred a little less but that's a fairly minor point. It's very difficult to write anything about this episode without spoilers; there's a lot going on at the end of the universe not least of which is a race of human-like creatures generally being unpleasant in a pointy-toothed and hungry kind of way, sound familiar coughreaverscough.

Actually the future-kind (more than kin and less than kind) are one of the less all-encompassing problems but nevertheless their threat is very real and immediate. The other problems requiring rather more of a cerebral approach what with radiation leaks, pounding headaches and petit-mal, bad guy infiltrations and alien assistants by way of several comedy moments I was kept so contentedly off-balance that the focus of the plot ultimately was not entirely clear until the closing minutes. For once this is not a downside in the 'and everything's alright in the end' sense as this is a multi-parter so the approach becomes a definite plus which certainly in this instance left me feeling uneasy. I mean part of me knows the Doctor will find a way out of this but I don't at this point see how.

Oh, and Derek Jacobi's in it, which can't be bad now can it?

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