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Date Posted: 12:23:01 06/09/07 Sat
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.10: Blink *No Spoilers*
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

Good one this. The introductory scene doesn't quite work IMO but I loved the idea and despite some initial misgivings I found the monsters more than scary enough; probably because of the way they were handled. If that was deliberate then I'd have to say it was dashed clever old bean!

The ending was a bit overdone, perhaps in an attempt to get the younger viewers into the same sort of high street terror frenzy as I once experienced after watching Spearhead From Space (the first Jon Pertwee adventure) back in the Stone Age. For those younger viewers with imaginations that might work but if that was indeed the intention the Beeb are still missing a trick. In case I haven't written enough on this point in these posts I shall just mention again that I feel the sustain given to any generated tension by splitting an advenure into multiple episodes weeks apart heightens the anticipation and excitement that is the viewers 'reward' for watching and allows the viewer to entertain themselves with speculation as to the direction the plot will take in the intervening time. It makes the series itself into a kind of game (which is why people like myself try to avoid spoilers).

Just to re-iterate - DON'T EVEN BLINK.


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  • Episode 3.11: Utopia *Only Minor Spoilers* -- Celebaelin, 12:41:35 06/16/07 Sat
  • QI Board discussion of Utopia *MAJOR Spoilers* -- Celebaelin, 20:43:29 06/18/07 Mon

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