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Date Posted: 19:14:41 07/12/07 Thu
Author: Rich
Subject: Re: This is very impressive
In reply to: Dlgood 's message, "The Role of the State in Dealing with the Supernatural Threats to the Civilian Population" on 16:31:13 07/12/07 Thu

Right now, I have only a couple of observations:

1. It seems to me that vampires probably lose citizenship when they die, although they still might have some legal rights - they might qualify as a special category of resident Aliens. Werecreatures, Otoh, would probably retain all of their rights, including citizenship, as long as they're in their human form.

2. The CoW can be considered an NGO, but the Slayers themselves have a somewhat different status. Whatever the source of their authority (if any) may be, the source of their power is supernatural. They're a symbiosis of demon and human, or perhaps an example of semi-benevolent demonic possession. For the State to grant them any status at all could set a precedent that might apply to other non- or semi-human entities, which the State might be (understandably, IMO) reluctant to do.

3. One parallel that might be worth considering is the "Ministry of Magic" in the Harry Potter universe. This seems to be an department which is part of the British government, but whose existence remains secret from the general public, and presumably from most members of the government. The ministry seems to devote much of its' efforts to concealing its' own existence. How this is reconciled with the requirements of a democratic society remains to be explained.

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