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Date Posted: 09:39:15 09/10/07 Mon
Author: Age
Subject: Re: Another Look Spoilers Part 8
In reply to: Age 's message, "Re: Another Look Spoilers Part 7" on 09:36:50 09/10/07 Mon

Firstly, I want to go through issue two and three as a series of statements Joss Whedon is presenting about the possible outcome of valuing might only in response to a terrorist attack to stop further attacks by a free people. I’ll be as brief as I can.

Here it is:

Title page: Citizens of a free society risk creating a type of society based on what they had first as children, as the title page is first, the male (might) dominated society (again as symbol of the male parental structure they had) as symbolized by the male top down watcher whose governing reduces citizens/its women to objects to be protected inside the house built around them by its government and used to fuel the power for their protection as would a household object, like a teacup, whose contents are meant to be consumed by the male (might) dominated watcher, if…turn the page:

the unsettling anger and fear (of future attack by unknown terrorists as represented by the ninja costumed slayers; see the look of fear and anger on the slayers’ faces) is only dealt with…turn the page

through the male (might) way of trying to prevent future attacks as Buffy is doing training her slayers, as this could mean a return to a society that includes warfare which might, as Buffy’s dialogue suggests, go downhill and leave the citizens as individuals flat on their asses as the three slayers she practices with become and lose…turn the page

the kind of egalitarian free society they have now, that the Women’s (individuals’ emotional empowerment and movement) Movement established as represented by the circle of slayers that includes Andrew their trainer but not their watcher, all talking to one another, talking things out in the top panel all on the same level, but which will melt into the night-mare of possible totalitarianism (as the slayers (individuals) melt into the blackness of the night-(mare)) as the bottom panel suggests when one among them, the male, Andrew, rises above to symbolize the resurrection of the top down male structure.) (The top panel is at the same level as the panels of the other pages depicting this egalitarian society where everyone is level, equal, where there’s space for open discussion; where everyone’s valued and seen. However, the bottom panel, being under it, recreates the top (panel) down (to bottom panel) top down structure as the darkness melds the slayers altogether so there is no individual, as the top down structure of government is created.)

Because if they don’t deal with the emotion, created by the attack, in an emotionally empowering feminine way also as Xander does through communication, then the fear and anger as represented by Dawn’s…turn the page

Will lead them to rely solely on the physical way of dealing with it as represented by Voll’s immature knee jerk child’s striking out to nuke Buffy in militaristic response…turn the page

And, they are going to enter the nightmare world of authoritarianism or even totalitarianism and lose their best friend (as Buffy risks by sleeping with Xander) their fellow human being who’ll be…turn the page

reduced to nothing but a standing phallic symbol (a penis/a self serving resource to be used for masturbation) representing the male (might) approach, the individual destroyed as Xander is here, while the very security they seek, as Buffy is pulled out of the (symbol of security) castle…turn the page

is broken (as the wall is) and they’ll have to face the pain of the authoritarian nightmare alone…turn the page

sacrificing the individual and the feminized (emotionally empowered) society whose icon is Buffy as Amy prepares to sacrifice Buffy on the bed which represents the deeply personal, the person, which has been sacrificed in favour of security as Buffy has sacrificed her personal life to get the slayers trained. Note that the images in the top panel are slanted away from progress, while the attack of the slayers is towards the right towards progress. Note also that Xander’s moving towards the phallic looking dagger shaft is meant to show this movement towards the male (might) approach to dealing with threat/pain/emotions as is his comment about masturbation in issue three, that instead of dealing with the emotion, the fear of attack in a self empowering way, they are trying, inadvertently, to resurrect male (might) approach as getting an erection means.

Okay, where was I…Because as Amy’s infiltration of the castle (which represents the attempt to defend citizens from all attack,) implies, you can’t make everyone safe and in trying to do this absolutely those in power become the attacker of the individual as Amy is, the twisted sister, the one and only slayer, killing her own kind, i.e. individuals, with her sacrificial dagger as twisted take on the wooden stake. And so they would have sacrificed the individual for nothing. Turn the page.

Because it’s better to limit the male (might) approach and move towards the more emotional way as Amy’s spell symbolizes. On the one hand, it represents the resurrection of the male dominated Sleeping Beauty fairy tale in which a woman is nothing until a prince comes, kisses her and takes her away to his castle. On the other hand, it introduces the theme of emotion which requires trust to express them, i.e. movement from one to other. Turn the page…

And, it’s better to embrace the emotional trusting way that brings people together as Renee (reborn) and Xander are coming together, i.e. the rebirth of the feminized way through trust because…turn the page

The other way will only bring a resurrection of the male (might) approach and its symbolic undead, the zombie soldier from the past, i.e., from childhood’s top down structure, whose role is defined by his master, the top dog, the parent…turn the page

And its endless warfare, where no one looks out for one another but stabs you in the back to gain dominancy as the undead soldier does to Renee. And it’s going to hurt all the more because you’ll have to go through the darkness alone, isolated from one another through mistrust and attack, unless you get individuals back level with one another, as the close up of Buffy’s face symbolizes, and trust someone as the outstretched arm of the torso (unknown person, you have to be brave to trust) of someone who looks like Spike, Buffy’s trusted friend, and hopeful champion symbol, the Hero, as example of redeemed permanent adolescent become adult, because…turn the page

We’re only human, and we all need a little emotional help from our friends as Willow’s arrival is meant to symbolize. She’s also another symbol of the feminizing approach, because after having tried the masculine (might) way of eliminating all the individuals to keep them from pain at the end of season six, she became the goddess figure bringing about the new feminized society.

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