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Subject: {Dance with Me}

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Date Posted: 07:33:34 05/22/03 Thu
In reply to: .. catarina 's message, ".. alright, lets go .." on 18:41:30 05/21/03 Wed

Mildly miffed that this rider yet again was on her neck and pushing, and assuming that Catrina wanted her on the bit, the Thoroughbred did what any mortal Thoroughbred would do when given the bit. She flew. Her earth-eating strides lengthened; the elegant neck which before had been rounded softly was stretched. Her pink flared nostrils quivered with excitment. The neatly pulled mane whipped in a black sea of fury. Her long, banged tail snapped and flickered like sable flames. The tipped ears flattened to the skull, burried in the cascades of forelock. She hurled herself forward, fighting the light bit. In her fury the gray plummeted her head down and let out a series of bucks before continuing her speed. Each stride hovered in mid-air, even at the deadly pace. But to fight it! She shook her dappled head, trying to rid herself of the straps of leather that clung like leeches to her smooth skin.

Several times around the track, the filly halted, quivering with fright from what she had done, for it had been forbidden in her training, and exhaustion from the long run. At her mouth she was foaming. Her breath came in quick puffs from her nostrils, as though she could not get enough to fill them. Even in her fear she was defiant; her head snaked to the ground. The silver dollars rising on her satiny barrel were slick and dark from swear. On her shoulders it was frothy and white. She trembled and awaited the whip.

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Re: {Dance with Me}.. catarina15:16:14 05/22/03 Thu

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