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Date Posted: 11:17:21 09/19/12 Wed
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: How Was Your Summer? Anything new in your life? Poll
In reply to: truelove 's message, "How Was Your Summer? Anything new in your life? Poll" on 16:36:01 09/04/12 Tue

Guess I was the slug bug. I worked a lot. Did the same stuff and yet my best stuff is always with people. My sweetest, darling girl daughter heads the list. Old friends and their friends.

I think hanging around or keep moving sums up the brilliance of my world. Ha!

You guys have had some serious and direct confrontation with nature and are still here to talk about it all, despite the losses and a lot of effort.

1. Your best new thing. My old thing: the luck to love what I do and survive it.
2. Best new activity: Keysi Method (martial arts--nasty). Better off with a gun requiring a whole lot less time to learn it. And aren't you really glad you don't live in the center of the drug trade in this world, BTW?

I've had to figure out best methods for women, who flat out ask for help. They are often shorter, or not as strong to develop themselves when the "quicksdraw" cell phone isn't fast enough. For my self. I do Wing Chun (Bruce Lee) and a lot of Tai Chi. I no longer live in places that are the center of the drug trade e.g. Guatemala, etc and having that suffering put into my face every moment, so a lot of "hard style" stuff is going to go from practice and that isn't so bad.

3. Favorite show on TV: I'm the reason the good shows get cancelled. I order up a whole series on Netflix at one shot and that, of course, hurts ratings that get shows cancelled. I apologize to you guys for it, but time is the biggest pressure, especially as I age. The hurrier I go, the behinder I get despite really cutting back on travel. The success of my work means more installations. Slows ya down; and I am trying to see the "boring" as all the reasons to keep being inspired. ha! Chasing my tail?

Last book? End the Depression Now by Paul Krugman.

Be well

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