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Date Posted: 20:46:30 04/04/12 Wed
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Didn't seem that long ago - MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Didn't seem that long ago - MNA" on 11:28:20 04/03/12 Tue

Adam Baldwin came to Krypton Comics in Omaha--very nice guy. His "mmm" vocabulary of acting is just "legendary." The joke re the Horror con in Salt Lake City seemed redundant.

Also! Electing the big and powerful may seem like a waste of time, (because they are all the same guy, serving the same guys); but the guys on your school boards, etc can REALLY impact what you get to vote on, know about to even have a word edgewise, let alone even cast the vote. Remember. It may seem like an exercise in futility, until you don't get the exercise at all because they really have finally "come for you." The dictatorship I was born under just added to the tyranny and shame of the place for all people, Basque and Spaniard and I don't lose sight how easy it is to lose sight, sound, life and limb.

WE make America and that deserves more than firecrackers on the 4th. Do they even teach civics in the U.S?

Good for you, Lewis re VOTING. Because "everyone" thinks it doesn't count, it counts twice over. Good for raising your voice for better. Even if the guy is not what you want perfectly, you can let him know. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Good. for. you.
Be well

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