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Date Posted: 04:04:29 04/09/12 Mon
Author: tarq
Author Host/IP: host-92-20-246-215.as13285.net /
Subject: Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2
In reply to: Ripper 's message, "Before They Were Famous---Round 2" on 11:32:03 04/06/12 Fri

Yes, and he's currently in Hawaii 50.

I'd forgotten about 'over the rainbow' but now remember he came in with a long list of violation codes & wanted to look around. Angel vamped at him & him & the other guy scuttled off! lol

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[> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- Ripper, 10:48:51 04/09/12 Mon (NoHost/

Wow, you folks are really good...I'm very impressed. Robert got most of them in his first post, except for #5, which tarq responded correctly with Daniel Dae Kim. Robert, however, was correct that his first episode was "Over The Rainbow," and then tarq had the exact scene down perfectly. So between the two of you (and Caroline) you pretty much cleaned the board.

I'll just fill in the details on what you didn't get (which is the very obscure stuff).

#4. It was Shane West, and the episode was "Go Fish." His character's name was Sean (as listed in the credits). He was the one who told Xander that it was aroma therapy (that they were breathing in the fish DNA).

#6. It was Josh Holloway, and "City Of Angels." In the credits, he was simply listed as "Good Looking Guy." This is the opening scene (with Angel's voice-over) where he rescues the girls in the bar, and then takes out the three vampires.

Cordelia comments on Gavin's shoes in early Season Three. I'll have to research to find the exact episode, but it's the first time they meet. She's commenting on how he snuck up on them in his very stylish shoes. And yes, shoes are a running theme with Cordelia throughout both series. These come to mind easily---

"Welcome To The Hellmouth"---when she learns that Buffy is from Los Angeles, she mentions that she would "kill to live so close to all those shoes."

"Dead Man's Party"---when everybody else is ganging up on Buffy, she comes up with this gem...
"Put yourself in Buffy's shoes for a minute. I'm Buffy...freak of nature, right? Naturally, I pick a freak for a boyfriend. Then he's Mister Killing Spree, which is pretty much my fault, and..."
Buffy: "Cordy! Get out of my shoes!"
Cordelia: Just trying to help."

And Robert remembered her commenting on Lilah's shoes, and Eve's shoes. But I also remember the episode "Sense & Sensibility" where she was annoyed that Angel didn't notice her brand new shoes, but Doyle did.

Anyway, thanks for playing. This has been fun to come up with these.

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