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Date Posted: 11:32:03 04/06/12 Fri
Author: Ripper
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Before They Were Famous---Round 2

Okay, here's more trivia fun.

Again, we're looking for the name of the actor or actress.

Secondly, the name of the character they played on "Buffy" or "Angel."

And finally, the name of the first episode (or only episode) in which they appeared.

I'll start off with two members of the "Mad Men" cast, the first of which is ridiculously easy.

Before he joined Don Draper and company on "Mad Men," he was tortured by an Oedipal complex, wanting to kill his father, and sleep with his mother-figure.

Before she joined Don Draper and company on "Mad Men" as a ridiculously curvaceous redhead, she played a ridiculously curvaceous redhead who warned Darla that Liam's promises meant nothing in the light of day.

Before he went on a "Prison Break," he was a *former member of the Sunnydale swim team who liked to play solitaire (with pictures of naked ladies) in computer class
*former member, because he didn't make it through the season

Before he co-starred in "A Walk To Remember" and "Nikita," he was another member of the Sunnydale swim team, who actually did manage to make it through the season.

Before he landed on the island in "Lost," he played a Wolfram & Hart lawyer who tangled with Lilah Morgan, but at least had nice taste in shoes (according to Cordelia).

Before he landed on the island in "Lost," he was one of Angel's first three victims in the very first episode.

That'll do it for now. Hope you folks have fun with this.

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[> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- Caroline, 13:06:25 04/06/12 Fri (b0fbf62e.bb.sky.com/

I remember Christina Hendricks played a barmaid but I can't think what she was called. She did, however, pop up again in Firefly as a good time gal.

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[> [> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- Ripper, 14:42:23 04/06/12 Fri (NoHost/


You are correct on Christina Hendricks. She's the answer to #2, and she was listed in the credits as "Barmaid" (I guess when you look like Christina Hendricks, you don't need a first name). And the name of the episode was "The Prodigal" (it's the one where Kate's father is killed by vampires, and where Angelus kills his father in flashbacks).

Anyway, I do love the scene where Darla is asking Christina Hendricks (as "Barmaid") who is that??? (referring to Liam), and Barmaid says something to the effect of how he promises a girl everything at night, but forgets it all the next day, in the daylight. And Darla replies, "That wouldn't be a problem for me, actually..."

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[> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- Robert, 21:10:26 04/06/12 Fri (c-68-38-198-211.hsd1.nj.comcast.net/

Not sure I remember all of these, but here it goes:

1) Connor (of course), Vincent Kartheiser (I think the 1st ep he appears in as an adult is at the end of The Price).

2) I had no idea before Caroline guessed it.

3) Wentworth Miller, Gage, Go Fish

4) Shane West, Go Fish (don't remember his character's name)

5) Christian Kane, Lindsey, City Of

6) I think it's Josh Holloway, and he was in City Of but I don't remember the character's name.

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[> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- tarq, 13:38:46 04/08/12 Sun (host-92-24-230-27.ppp.as43234.net/

I think no 5 is Daniel Dae Kim as Gavin Park but I can't remember the first episode that he was in, maybe 'Carpe Noctem' season 3?

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[> [> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- Caroline, 20:29:38 04/08/12 Sun (b0fbf62e.bb.sky.com/

I was so intrigued I had to break the rules and go and do an IMDB. Yup, he was Gavin Park - but I was trying to think what he was in as well (apart from Lost) and it was 24.

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[> [> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- Robert, 20:35:10 04/08/12 Sun (c-68-38-198-211.hsd1.nj.comcast.net/

Oh yeah, forgot about Gavin! I think his first episode was near the end of season 2 - Over The Rainbow maybe? I don't remember Cordy commenting on his shoes...though ironically I remember her commenting on Lilah's shoes and Eve's shoes :)

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[> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- tarq, 04:04:29 04/09/12 Mon (host-92-20-246-215.as13285.net/

Yes, and he's currently in Hawaii 50.

I'd forgotten about 'over the rainbow' but now remember he came in with a long list of violation codes & wanted to look around. Angel vamped at him & him & the other guy scuttled off! lol

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[> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- Ripper, 10:48:51 04/09/12 Mon (NoHost/

Wow, you folks are really good...I'm very impressed. Robert got most of them in his first post, except for #5, which tarq responded correctly with Daniel Dae Kim. Robert, however, was correct that his first episode was "Over The Rainbow," and then tarq had the exact scene down perfectly. So between the two of you (and Caroline) you pretty much cleaned the board.

I'll just fill in the details on what you didn't get (which is the very obscure stuff).

#4. It was Shane West, and the episode was "Go Fish." His character's name was Sean (as listed in the credits). He was the one who told Xander that it was aroma therapy (that they were breathing in the fish DNA).

#6. It was Josh Holloway, and "City Of Angels." In the credits, he was simply listed as "Good Looking Guy." This is the opening scene (with Angel's voice-over) where he rescues the girls in the bar, and then takes out the three vampires.

Cordelia comments on Gavin's shoes in early Season Three. I'll have to research to find the exact episode, but it's the first time they meet. She's commenting on how he snuck up on them in his very stylish shoes. And yes, shoes are a running theme with Cordelia throughout both series. These come to mind easily---

"Welcome To The Hellmouth"---when she learns that Buffy is from Los Angeles, she mentions that she would "kill to live so close to all those shoes."

"Dead Man's Party"---when everybody else is ganging up on Buffy, she comes up with this gem...
"Put yourself in Buffy's shoes for a minute. I'm Buffy...freak of nature, right? Naturally, I pick a freak for a boyfriend. Then he's Mister Killing Spree, which is pretty much my fault, and..."
Buffy: "Cordy! Get out of my shoes!"
Cordelia: Just trying to help."

And Robert remembered her commenting on Lilah's shoes, and Eve's shoes. But I also remember the episode "Sense & Sensibility" where she was annoyed that Angel didn't notice her brand new shoes, but Doyle did.

Anyway, thanks for playing. This has been fun to come up with these.

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[> Re: Before They Were Famous---Round 2 -- chuckit25, 14:02:56 05/13/12 Sun (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

GREAT connections again, Ripper! I so enjoy your commentary, as well!

Spring actually was a season this year, and I have taken advantage of it. I expect the heat to forge my metal into sleeping on a rock soon enough, with one eyelid cracked for the next teasing test!

It is fun how you reorganize my thinking in the "common" I didn't see versus the awareness Joss was going to bump someone off for daring to be happy. hee. I did see "shoes" used in several metaphors re "covering" of the foot fashionably forward or friendly (grounding, as "sex is evil"); and "sans shoes" (death)--death being the "great overarching metaphor." Death for Angel, of course, would be transfiguration to "mortal."
Be well!

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