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Date Posted: 11:37:25 05/15/12 Tue
Author: SV
Author Host/IP: 208-87-161-223.inicity.net /
Subject: Best tv shows to ever be cancelled unjustly...


My top picks?

1. Firefly, obviously.
2. Dollhouse
3. Angel (more discontinued than cancelled, but still...I think it deserved one more season, at least.)
4. Brimstone (a great show)
5. Sports Night

Anything I'm forgetting?

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[> Re: Best tv shows to ever be cancelled unjustly... -- Saltygoodnesst, 16:57:57 05/15/12 Tue (NoHost/

Terra Nova *weeps* I suspicion the show needed to be a mega hit to override it's expense and it didn't make it. Given at least another year, I think there would have been a turnaround and the show could have run for at least 5 years. Thus speaks Saltygoodness who knows absolutely nothing about the entertainment business except as a viewer.

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[> [> Re: Best tv shows to ever be cancelled unjustly... -- Ripper, 15:23:49 05/16/12 Wed (NoHost/

I'm going to vote for "Veronica Mars."

I agree with the common perception that Season Three VM was not as great as Season One VM (but then nothing comes close), but I still would have loved a fourth season.

Regarding "Angel," as far as I'm concerned, that series ended with the episode titled "You're Welcome." I didn't care for anything that followed on "Angel" season five.

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[> Re: Best tv shows to ever be cancelled unjustly... -- Lewis H., 21:55:08 05/16/12 Wed (adsl-98-85-32-6.mco.bellsouth.net/

Believe it or not, I can't really think of any shows that were ever cancelled "unjustly". Like a lot of things in America, tv is majority rule. Unfortunately for me I am often in disagreement with the majority. For example, I can honestly say I've never watched an episode of American Idol, yet that is the highest rated show. Meanwhile SF and Fantasy shows have consistently, that is for my entire 50 years of life on this planet been relatively low in ratings while also being relatively expensive to produce. Heck, even SyFy is relying more on reality shows and contests these days than actual SF programs presumably due to budget concerns.

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[> Re: Best tv shows to ever be cancelled unjustly... -- chuckit25, 03:39:48 05/18/12 Fri (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

Freaks and Geeks
Veronica Mars
Sarah Connors
Eerie, Indiana
American Horror Story
Twin Peaks
Inside Tim Minears record for cancellation is even better than Joss’s.
And Arrested Development.

I can actually go on "all day" about shows that were side tracked or cancelled too soon or those dragged out when the "point" of telling the tale was satisfactorily developed. I've never seen, but moments in ads, of any reality TV. Maybe it's all very genius, but not my taste.

So! Shows that were cancelled, but
those endings for so many… Just SUCKED.

Chuck: his kiss should have restored her memory. It was that kind of (silly but happy ending every episode, as they were always being cancelled) story.

Battlestar Galactica: An angel? Are you freaking kidding?

Angel the Series. Joss doesn’t know what to do with a good guy who is also good looking and said so. Brian Lynch in After the Fall actually grasped the point of this sensitive child who now is an ego driven, oedipal brat, divided against himself, in a journey to accept himself, having met “female action principle” aka Buffy to act as a strong, and good man, even capable of a worthy life. (Amends: It’s not the monster, it’s the man that needs killing).

Buffy: Fear of being alone and doomed to duty in forcing a zillion slayers into the same purgatory is the great accomplishment?

She said it. She was at peace and she was done. She “grew up.” That was season 5. She was accomplished and had internalized her lessons, including her “knowing what to see” into love and wisdom for herself, her real power of mercy, love for her family, her friends and life as worthy of existence. Since?

Well, she got depressed, never got over it (or got her own power back because Spike’s journey became the point), so after a great big bang with Angel, she destroyed the world anyway, it just was the world of magic; then, after deciding on an abortion, supposedly after drunk sex, she actually “proved out” to be roofied/“made by Andrew” now a Topher replica, into a robot with her real mind that is stuck, and also living “Ringer” in her real body, but circuitry that actually changes/grows with her experience.

Also robo Buffy is living on a ship that can cross five dimensions run by cockroaches, while Spike stands around and puffs on cigarettes, as his “reason to be.” Yea…that bad. It’s “Father Dowling” mysteries, “Veronica Mars” on zompire cases, with the promise of “Alien”and robo Buffy, to the rescue. Of what or whom, who knows? Or even cares.

Angel? I think I mentioned he was catatonic after being possessed by a sentient universe, thus, killing Giles, as he did Jenny. Faith, who inherited everything from rich Giles—Buffy got the Vampyre book that she rejected in season 1…only—took care of him with a sippy cup. He decided to collect the remnants of Giles soul to restore him, you’ll enjoy the endless shirtless renderings with the kinky nipple ring (and he is trying to suicide himself, in sacrifice, of course), while keeping Faith from derailing when her (drunken, Irish) dad comes to ask her to kill someone he owes money, a Boston Irish mob guy in London—cliché and eye roll—and while dealing with a sane Dru, who ended up nutz when her pet lorophage was killed. It ended pain, but not memories and Faith was totally on board. Never mind that Dru would eat Faith in no heart beat. Angel “suddenly” isn’t taking Connor’s calls as he is a bad man, so they all are headed to Quortoth, with Willow jacking into the magic, obviously to bring to the world. Or something. Actually she is working the wound, which in witch talk, means she will become that guardian of the scythe we saw in season 7 and die so Buffy can actually ‘do the deed’ with Angel (of season 8) to bring the world to a better dimension of world peace, even as a separate time line runs down into Fray world in which Buffy kills Willow. A real murder, IMO. It’s like Battlestar Galactica’s cycle and superhero Buffy can be anybody with anyone else, since the “new thing” is that the superhero universe” is all one thing and anything goes in whatever one wishes to do; and Angel remains hopelessly stupid. Spike should adventure with Faith, but the plan is Spike and Willow. Afterall, that roach ship goes wherever bong smoke is found.


Be well!

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[> [> A few others to add to the list -- chuckit25, 11:33:04 05/18/12 Fri (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

Murphy’s Law--Doc Martin buzz saw
Prime Suspect US version
Being Human Original Cast—I had high hopes for the ghost
The Defenders John Belushi version

Some of my favorites
Dead Like Me
Wonderfalls (another Tim Minear charmer)
Jericho with Buffy's original beau, Luke Perry
Chicago Code; I like Dennis Farina, who actually was a cop

And let us not forget the greatest gaff ever: Star Trek

Also, too bad Bruce Lee, an American, my life long hero, couldn't have done his own project, Kung Fu, replaced by a more "acceptable" David Carradine. Now every hero is born with kung fu fighting. Including Buffy.

Hummm. I actually like the cancelled shows best; I don't know what that means...they were actually GOOD?

Be well!

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