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Date Posted: 01:13:00 06/27/12 Wed
Author: Saltygoodness
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: My sister is a Tropical Storm MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "My sister is a Tropical Storm MNA" on 18:12:54 06/26/12 Tue

Please send some of that water to Colorado Springs. The wildfire in Manitou jumped the mountain and the southern part of the Springs is in eminent danger of being consumed. For a survivor of a wildfire and whose child and her family live in the area, this is a nightmare!!

I'm sorry, Lewis H, it is a wonderful MNA, but I'm absolutely crazy with fear and worry even though my child assures me she and her family are completely safe. I know the power of a wildfire and how it can change directions on a whim and consume everything in its path.

Thanks for listening, my dear peeps. Hugs

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[> [> Re: My sister is a Tropical Storm MNA -- Lewis H., 15:33:44 06/27/12 Wed (adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net/

I fully understand your fear. I hope it turns out to be unfounded. In the meantime, I hope this took your mind off things for a minute or two.

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[> [> Re: My sister is a Tropical Storm MNA -- Lewis H., 15:34:33 06/27/12 Wed (adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net/

I hope everything will be ok. Do take care.

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[> [> Re: My sister is a Tropical Storm MNA -- Caroline, 19:23:45 06/28/12 Thu (5ade00fd.bb.sky.com/

Wow, prayers from London as well. I hope everything is OK.

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