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Subject: I suck....metaphorically speaking....

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Date Posted: 21/06/06 3:20pm

I said I'd be around and I haven't been - I'm sorry.

Work's got me flat out with end of financial year bullshit.

I'm still getting over the flu, and gave it to my mother, who's been tossing her cookies semi-regularly.

The whole house thing is stressing me out.

And I've got a job interview on Monday. I'm not saying what for, because I don't want to jinx myself. I loathe job interviews with a passion and that's stressing me out too.

My fringe is *just that much* too short to tuck behind my ears, and so it hangs in my eyes constantly and irritates the living crap out of me.

And in general, I'm just a bit narky right now. *g*

I expect y'all to provide me with an essay, no less than fifty words, detailing what you've been up to, so I can get it all in one go rather than trying to catch up. Ta. :)

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Re: I suck....metaphorically speaking....WuckFit22/06/06 11:40am

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