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Date Posted: 21:04:23 10/19/07 Fri
Author: ���Z�ر����P+�w�וּ�\: jameslam@hkpro.com.hk
Author Host/IP: ics8o.polyu.edu.hk /
Subject: Re: �b�x���Z�ر�����O+�w�וּ�\: nancychow@hkpro.com.hk
In reply to: ���Z�ر����P+�w�וּ�\: jameslam@hkpro.com.hk 's message, "�b�x���Z�ر�����O+�w�וּ�\: nancychow@hkpro.com.hk" on 00:48:32 10/10/07 Wed

(iii) The Contractor shall assign person(s) to inspect the Site of each Works Order after each Cleaning Day's work. The assigned person shall check and ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of the Site of such Works Order, complete the inspection checklist, record the areas requiring improvements, and take photographs of areas where cleaning and tidying up works have been done and where improvement actions are required.

(iv) The Contractor shall notify the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative the time
schedule for Daily Cleaning of each Works Order on every Cleaning Day and the name of the assigned person as referred to in sub-clause (c )(iii) above responsible for the inspection and checking after each Cleaning Day.
(v) The Contractor shall submit, in the morning of the day (which is not a General Holiday) following a Cleaning Day, the inspection checklist, records and photographs prepared pursuant to sub-clause (c)(iii) above to the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative for checking and recording.

(vi) The Maintenance Surveyor's Representative may carry out inspections and surprise checks to verify the Contractor's performance on cleanliness and tidiness of any Site before the noon of the day (which is not a General Holiday) following a Cleaning Day.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for the item for �� Daily Cleaning" of
a Works Order for a Cleaning Day if the performance of the Contractor on cleanliness and tidiness for any part of the Site under such Works Order for that Cleaning Day is not carried out to the satisfaction of the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative. The Maintenance Surveyor's Representative shall notify the Contractor and record in the Site Diary for any non-payment of the item for �� Daily Cleaning" on a Cleaning Day and the areas of dissatisfaction for improvement by the Contractor.

(vii) The Contractor shall in the morning of every Cleaning Day before work commences
inspect and remove any rubbish and debris that may be littered by the public over the night within any area which cleanliness and tidiness the Contractor is required to maintain under this Contract before the Inspection by the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative.

(d) Weekly Tidying
(i) �� Weekly Tidying" of a Works Order shall include the cleansing and tidying up of the
common areas and accesses, cleansing and/or re-conditioning of hoardings, barriers, guarding, lighting, signage and/or traffic cones, cleansing of external covers for plant and equipment, removal of waste and debris etc. so as to ensure �] at the plant and equipment, hoardings, as well as such Site as a whole, to be clean and tidy in the perspective of the general public and, without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, shall include, but is not limited to, all the items subject to checking as listed in sub-clause (d)(ii).
(ii) The Contractor shall develop inspection checklist for Weekly Tidying of each Works
Order after each Cleaning Week Day's work for the approval of the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative. The inspection checklist shall be reviewed and updated whenever there is a change in work nature or work location under such Works Order and re-submitted for approval by the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative. The inspection checklist shall include an assessment on the cleanliness and tidiness of the Site conditions of such Works Order including the Public Cleaning Areas. Items to be checked against for each Works Order shall include, but are not limited to , the following:

Thorough cleansing of passageways, common accesses and public areas;

Re-organizing of storage materials for better utilization of storage spaces and safe stacking if appropriate;

Maintenance and re-conditioning of tools and equipment;

Cleansing of external covers for plant and equipment;

Collection and removal of disposed waste materials off site;

Cleansing, re-conditioning and/or replacement of hoarding, barriers, guarding, lighting , and signage of works to good working condition;

Clearing of drains and channels to prevent flooding; and

Other cleansing requirements as instructed by the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative from the perspective of the general public.
(iii) The Contractor shall assign person(s) to inspect the Site of each Works Order after each
Cleaning Week Day's work. The assigned person shall check and ensure the overall cleanliness and tidiness of the Site of such Works Order, complete the inspection checklist, record the areas requiring improvements, and take photographs of areas where overall site cleaning and tidying up actions have been done and where improvement actions are required.

(iv) The Contractor shall notify the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative the time
schedule for Weekly Tidying of each Works Order on every Cleaning Week Day, and the name of the assigned person as referred to in sub-clause (d)(iii) above responsible for the inspection and checking after each Cleaning Week Day.
(v) The Contractor shall submit, in the morning of the day (which is not a General Holiday) following the Cleaning Week Day, the inspection checklist, records and photographs prepared pursuant to sub-clause (d)(iii) above to the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative for checking and recording.

(vi) The Maintenance Surveyor's Representative shall, together with the Site Agent, check and inspect the overall cleanliness and tidiness of the Sites on the day (which is not a General Holiday) following the Cleaning Week Day. The Maintenance Surveyor's Representative shall advise the Contractor whether his performance is to his/her satisfaction, or if not, where improvement actions are required.

(vii) The Contractor shall promptly rectify the defects identified by the assigned person as referred to in sub-clause (d)(iii) above, and/or the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for the item for �� Weekly Tidying" of a Works Order for a Cleaning Week Day if the Contractor fails to rectify the identified defects pursuant to sub-clauses (d)(iii) and (d)(vi) above to the satisfaction of the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative before the end of the day (which is not a General Holiday) following the Cleaning Week Day.
(viii) The Contractor shall in the morning of every Cleaning Week Day before work commences inspect and remove any rubbish and debris that may be littered by the public over the night within any area which cleanliness and tidiness the Contractor is required to maintain under this Contract before the inspection by the Maintenance Surveyor's Representative.

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