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Subject: Re: school poetry readings

Julie V.
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Date Posted: 13:59:21 01/14/04 Wed
In reply to: Rebecca Rickard 's message, "school poetry readings" on 21:14:29 11/05/03 Wed

Some ways of getting the word around:
Of course, spoken word always spreads nicely. If your friends don't come, you could always ask them to at least spread the word, and those who they talked to could go and tell someone else, etc. Another suggestion is if you have a school newspaper or something liek that, an advertisement could also go in there. In your advertisment, or if any posters survive (so horrible for people to tear them down!) make sure that you include what would consist of the club, like what you would the group would excatly do. Another way to get the word out is online (find peoples IMs or e-mails), handing out flyers, or talk infront of large groups of people (maybe your school has daily/weekly meetings, or a student senate, or other clubs or groups) Another way is to ask the teachers. They could quickly tell each class they have about your club, and then give thow3 interested the information.
The poetry readings is also a good idea, but there are some people who are very shy or do not think that their poetry is good enough to be read, so I suggest other things to go on in the group, to modivate all types of people to your club. A way to have people come is if there is a goal that the group will be working on. This helps those who need modivation to do this. Some goals could be something like making a short book (could just be stapled paper) that would consist of poems written from everyone. Another idea is to maybe have poetry writing time, where there is a theme for the meeting, and everyone writes something using that theme. Then if people want, people could read their poems that they have written.
I hope I have helped, at least a little. Just remember, be creative, and that you cannot change those who rip down your posters, so you have to find another way. Good luck!

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Re: poetry good or dumbBobby19:59:35 02/12/04 Thu

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