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Date Posted: 06:23:59 08/23/03 Sat
Author: EmperorJay
Subject: Desperate

Could somebody please help me.

I gave copied and pasted all information (events, tips etc.) to notepad and printed it out. And encouraged by my earlier scores I started this morning on my first try to complete the map but I'm totally lost.

I set up a storage yard with 1 hut and an architects post and firehouse near the entrance and immediatly start to import copper and wood. Then I scroll north and lay down the roads and bridges. Then I build the housing (14 2x2s as suggested) and village palace approximatly in the middle between the goldmines and 1 house near the 2 goldmines. As soon as the first housing gets filled I place the goldmines, architects posts, firehouses and 1 police office and a water supply and start to micromanage the gold deliveries after having taken care of the scorpions.

This used to work fine but know the import doesn't start untill halfway the first year, export not earlier than decemeber and the goldmines start to collapse while I wait with building them untill I can maintain architects. I can't make profit and the last 5 tries I was stuck with 3000 debt so I don't want to advance to the next year.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong this time as it went well the last time. So I have a rather embarassing question (especially to Elf and Zin Ramu): What buildings did you build when? When did you placed the first pavilion? When the first physician etc.?

Also, both trade and delivery to the monument tend to get messed up when I set the import to only above 400 for wood.

There still is some time left so I think I could submit a valid entry in the end, but the score will be too low then because RL is taken a lot of time as well.

If this hadn't been a team contest I'd already stopped trying but I don't want to let ya'll down cause I already messed up the audition too.

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