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Date Posted: 15:47:30 08/23/03 Sat
Author: Caesar Clifford
Subject: Re: Desperate
In reply to: EmperorJay 's message, "Desperate" on 06:23:59 08/23/03 Sat

It's hard alright EJ. Just do as Elf suggests somewhere. Get each year right before you move on to the next one. I am a bit like you. If this wasn't a team contest I would probably give it up as too hard. Without all the help I wouldn't have even completed this once. I have never had those blessings before as an exxample. I have also never fought a battle in phoraoh or cleo so this is my first attempt with armies and so on.
I started over again last night. Am up to the third year but doing things better than before I hope. I did not feed my people the first year as that was just something extra to have to think about. Don't worry about starting the monument the first year. Make sure you buy and sell the whole 5000 goods. You can start on the monument the second year. I don't know how Elf got over 400 the first year. I only managed 277 in my 14 houses plus a few other huts for labour supply. It took me a while to place the houses where they would evolve to 2x2 so I had bits of paper out and it all planed out. In fact I think I am now over 20 A4 pages on this contest.
The first year concentrate on trading and getting the gold working. I have done year 1555 about 7 times and have gold results from 900 to 1900. Can't get any higher than that the first year. How many did you get first year ELF?. And also getting the housing right. Make sure you make the 28 KR by Jan 1554. None of the other ratings matter much. Get some water to your houses and you don't need police stations. I still have not had a riot don't know why? Save it often. I save every month and as a result have a great collection of saves. But I did something right. I opened up a new family for this contest. Save in nov and dec at least. When you play to Jan you can see how much money you have to spend. All you need is 50 for tribute, wages bill and 1 profit. Work it out by taking away the total left on Jan 1st from the total you had in your dec save. Then go back to your nov save and spend that amount. It will take a couple of tries to get things right but then you have a year in the bag and can work on the next year. Especially if you want to use some of that money on imports. Then you may have to go back even earlier to spend it. But you can place a temple or two.
In this attempt for year one I put a temple and a dentist and an anthopy (no idea of how to spell it - little thing costs about 30bd.) And with my surplus money I built an academy so I can work on my battles later. I have imported 7 chariots in 1553 but will have to go back and make that 3 as I did not have enough money by the end of the year. I save every month and write down when I do things so I can get back to the correct save to fix problems that arise later.
My basic thing is to buy what I have to each year at the start. I get all my requests brought asap and then work things out and buy any house evolution goods and food needed. Then as it gets later in the year I can spend any surplus in buildings as needed. This means if I get it wrong with buildings I don't have to replay so many months. But the essentials I buy early.
Hope something I said helps. You can do it.

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