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Date Posted: 07:41:01 08/23/03 Sat
Author: Elf
Subject: Re: Desperate
In reply to: EmperorJay 's message, "Desperate" on 06:23:59 08/23/03 Sat

Sounds like you have labor problems. With not enough workers to staff the storage yards trading might be affected. Getting enough workers on the first year is always a problem. Try setting industry as the first priority. Then import grain to feed the housing block as soon as you have workers for a receiving storage yard. Water supply and food are needed quickly to boost the population.

When you set industry as priority 1 you will find that infrastructure buildings don't have labor so you have to watch that things don't burn or fall down. To avoid this periodically (every couple of months or so) set the priority of infrastructure to 1. The buildings will then spawn their inspectors, etc and the priority can be reset to none while the inspectors continue to do their job.

If you can't manage this you could always put down more housing. Its wasteful and 14 is more than enough, but it will build the population quicker.

As far as which buildings: for the first year I had only the gold mines, palace, personal mansion, 2 storage yards, water supply, bazaar, and firehouses and architects posts. When population reach 400 I added 2 temples (Ptah and Bast) and at the end of the year the pavillion (primarily because I had extra money and didn't want to waste it in paying tribute). Police are not needed until the crime wave in 1552. Even so there were not enough workers at the end of the year.


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  • Re: Desperate -- Caesar Clifford, 15:47:30 08/23/03 Sat
  • Re: Desperate -- EmperorJay, 01:45:55 08/24/03 Sun
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