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Date Posted: 22:56:02 07/27/03 Sun
Author: Heroic Epidermal Irritation
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Subject: Ever get some, like, rash, and never know WHERE you got it? That's about what I've got now....

It's not poison ivy...I've had that a few times, and even on face, which did suck something unwholesome. Poison ivy tends to flare up all red and vile, whereas this just looks like a ton of ant bites. It's on my inner forarms, my chest just below my neck, and my lower legs, inner side of course, and on the shins, and behind my knees. There's no way it's poison ivy simply because it'd be in one spot, say, my ENTIRE BODY, and not in isolated places.

So, naturally, it itches from time to time. Since I've experienced actual poison ivy before, it's easy to ignore itching sensations nowadays. But man, once you brush against it, you just want to caress and rub and eventually scratch the shit out of it. But you're not SUPPOSED to. And while I don't understand why, if it's going to speed along the uninstallation of this rash of rashes, by God I'm all for it. It feels SO wonderful when you do scratch though...it's like some forbidden pleasure. I can make some comparisons based on estimation, but I don't think you want to hear them. Let's just say it's like bathing in cheese.

So, I'm covered in calamine lotion. And to make sure it doesn't rub off, I get to waltz around in my boxers until it dries. Actually, I think it dried an hour ago, but to be honest I'm rather enjoying my exposure. Don't give me that grossed-out look, YOU'RE the one who developed that mental picture. I just wrote the honest truth, and you come up with some sicko-nudy picture. I'm somewhat flattered.

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