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Date Posted: 15:14:54 07/29/03 Tue
Author: Robert
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Subject: Shaun, I'm here for the first and last time....

Actually the second time, since I had a short look when I found the link. The reason I post this here is because it's difficult to adress someone who tells he has left and will not return. It's better anyway to do it outside a heated flame war. I would mail it, but I don't have your mail address.

You said you watched the current thing at RCC. Did you really? If so, you should have noticed that the start was a post by Joe about how the issue outsourcing is handled in the US, focussed on democratic underground. Right? Then AJ butted in, completely off topic, with his usual 'America rules' and 'fuck everyone who doesn't accept it' flame. It was slamming Joe instead of a proper reply. Everyone who posts an opinion based on facts has the right to get a proper reply instead of being flamed. Right? The 'rules' of RCC are: all topics are allowed, serious posts are respected and get a proper reply, not-so-serious posts are replied in a random chaotic way.
AJ got it retaliated. His problem. Moral of the story: Read before writing a reply, use arguments, don't slam others - else you're fought back. Anything wong with it?

Enters Shaun. The issues at this time were:
1. Joes original one
2. AJ misunderstanding what others write
3. AJ slamming instead of using arguments to prove his point - whatever this point may be
4. 'America rules', brought up by AJ completely off topic and without any need

You could have replied to any of this. Based on facts and arguments. Whatever you would have posted this way would have been welcome. Instead you attacked and told us some insulting stuff. Why???
The problem I have with you is that you act like someone who is under attack, though actually no attack took place. And 'retaliating' you strictly refuse to use arguments. Why all this warring? I don't understand why you act this way.

Ok, just wanted to let you know. I'm sorry I had to neglect your request not to post here. Any reply to this post will be useless for I'll not return here, neither posting nor reading.
If you should think a reply is required, do it at RCC or send a mail (rtschwab@web.de) - after reading some of your recent posts here I have to add though: condition is using arguments and facts, no insults, no slamming.

BTW to update you - I told you before when you brought it up the last time: the car was invented in Europe. Do you ever care about facts?

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