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Subject: Don't Tax Your Most Enthusiastic Alumni, For God's Sake

An Observer
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Date Posted: 20:10:57 01/16/25 Thu
In reply to: Son of Eli 's message, "Ivy League Football Attendance" on 16:06:36 01/16/25 Thu

Ivy League football pricing strategies range from (A), "This is not going to be a profit-generating exercise under any circumstance so we'll price low as a service to our alumni" all the way to (B) "Attendance is price inelastic. Given that fact, our economics department would tell us to maximize revenue by pricing high."

For a few years about a decade or so ago, Princeton priced their tickets at $5 a head. Then they gradually walked up that price over a number of years. The Tigers are an example of Pricing Strategy A.

Yale is clearly a believer in Pricing Strategy B. What most irks me is that the Yale-Harvard game is a special occasion which the university could treat like a reunion. No reasonable Ivy alumni office prices its reunion tickets to make a profit.

Reunions exist to promote alumni affection for the university. It doesn't make sense to squeeze another $50 per head out of attendees, especially when you are really trying to get them to write a check for thousands.

Similarly, why would you price football tickets, especially The Game, to maximize revenue?

Price the tickets to raise SOME revenue, sure, but don't make it so obvious that a bunch of high ranking administrators have sat around a conference room table asking each other, "What's the most that we could charge? What's the ceiling here?"

Treat it more like a reunion and try to get a few extra checks denominated in the tens of thousands.

The pricing of Yale-Harvard tickets is a tax on alumni, specifically the exact alumni individuals who are most likely to write a check with a digit or two or three to the left of the comma.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Don't Tax Your Most Enthusiastic Alumni, For God's Sake

Old Blue
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Date Posted: 11:29:21 01/17/25 Fri

Gentlemen; unfortunately, I have to agree the cantabs do a far superior job of marketing, their sports, especially football compared to our blue squad. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it starts with the athletic Director who controls the athletic department, including marketing and publicity. it may be time to go back to the 50s and 60s strategy to increase in attendance including free entry for children under 12 and under in the end zone seats.

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