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Subject: Re: Ivy League Football Attendance

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Date Posted: 15:40:34 01/22/25 Wed
In reply to: Son of Eli 's message, "Ivy League Football Attendance" on 16:06:36 01/16/25 Thu

I will never understand why Ivy League schools do not promote games more to boost attendance. I guess the H-Y-P's of our league have so much money they do not care. However, the other five Ivy respective athletic departments can definitely use the additional revenue. For example, in sports like football increased attendance does not generate significant revenue, but anyone in development says the more alums return to campus, the more likely they are to donate to their school. For example, last June I believe Cornell had record number of donations after class reunions. I remember when Frank Rhodes was the president at Cornell he was visible all the time and he gets much credit for the size of Cornell's current endowment.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ivy League Football Attendance

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Date Posted: 11:07:06 01/23/25 Thu

Interesting comments. When my son played for Princeton (2019-2022), I was fortunate enough to attend every one of his Ivy League games home and away. I am also a long time season ticket holder for the University of Arizona and have attended road games at the Rose Bowl, Memorial Coliseum, and LSU’s Tiger Stadium, among others. And I’ve attended quite a few NFL stadiums. Perhaps because my son played and my vested interest as a football parent, I found the experience more rewarding and wondered why none of the Ivy League football programs seemed to focus on marketing the programs as is the norm for FBS programs. The product/experience was obviously not the same as FBS football, but in many ways I found it better, more intimate, and even more fun. I just wonder if these programs, which I assume are never going to spend big $$$ on marketing football, could create a student marketing group of interns/volunteers to sell this unique game experience to alumni and potential football fans in the area. Seems like a missed opportunity.

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[> [> [> Subject: Hate to alert people to this but

Go Green
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Date Posted: 11:18:36 01/23/25 Thu

I’m getting my bike workout in and the manhattan-Fairfield women’s basketball game is on now (11 00 am on a Thursday).

Looks sold out!!!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Hate to alert people to this but

Brian G
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Date Posted: 11:47:27 01/23/25 Thu

It's Kid's Day at Fairfield. They get schools to come. Hence the 11am start time. Columbia's girls team also does this once a year and similarly fills the house. Have a great workout!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: I'm impressed!

Go Green
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Date Posted: 12:19:26 01/23/25 Thu

Had no idea that "Kids' Day" was such a hit!

And I did have a good workout--thanks! :)

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ivy League Football Attendance

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Date Posted: 15:49:05 01/23/25 Thu

If you read any Ivy League media guide or sports program, they all have ton's of employees doing stuff from marketing to ticketing games. On the other hand, I have no idea what these people actually do with their days. In comparison, my kid's attended a Catholic school which has very good sports and nearly every home football and basketball games are packed. Even boys and girls lacrosse are filling up our stands for home games. We have "One" athletic director for all sports and he does literally everything from scheduling games to e-mailing parents and alums on upcoming competitions. I don't think a day goes by without getting an update from our AD. On top of that, he's paid peanuts but has a passion for the school. As a result, the alumni giving to this Catholic school is unbelievable year-after-year. We have teachers leaving much higher paying public school salaries coming to this school because they want to work there. The Ivy League development offices could learn a lot from our school.

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