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We KNEW Paul would never do the murderous SLAG with is memory in tact!
According to these Soap Opera Source spoilers for this upcoming week of August 10...:
Barbara finds Paul drunk in the wine cellar at Fairwinds. Frustrated, she tries to talk Paul into going to a clinic that she picked out for him. Paul finally agrees, but only if Emily can go with him. Barbara swallows her pride and agrees. Outside the clinic, Paul distracts Barbara while Emily sneaks up behind her with a wine bottle. After putting her in the back seat, Paul goes inside to inform the clinic that he won't be residing there.
Instead, he finds the clinic empty until he comes face to face with James. Paul quickly realizes his father set the whole thing up. Suddenly, Paul's memories return and he takes a wheelchair-bound James back to Fairwinds. Confused, Emily realizes Paul's memory has returned. When Paul asks for his money back, Emily refuses and declares she's the best thing that happened to him before storming out in a huff. Later, Paul lets his mother and father get reacquainted in the Fairwinds wine cellar.
----->End Spoilers<-----
...Paul gets his memory back and very wisely DUMPS the nut-job. He also wants his money back!....Uh Oh! We all now how the slag of a nut-job is gonna take that little piece of news, now don't we? And the funniest thing about this week will be when the nut-job spews that she was the best thing that ever happened to Paul! HAHAHAHAHA!!
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I know they've ripped off the Knoll for certain phrases ... even the old bannerhead ... but now Emily is Paul's One True Babe? WTF??? And of course there's all that Soul Mate crapola.
Listen ... even on Emily's best day she is not comparable to Blair ... not in looks, character OR heart AND Paul is NOT Todd. And I did't even like Blair. I put up with her fishwife routine only because RH's Todd really loved her. Paul doesn't love Emily ... and like I said she ain't no Blair. So WTF?
Are the "real" Roger fans so devoid of imagination (and integrity!) that they have to rip off the old TnB memes? Good grief! Talk about LAME. (NT)
-- tat statler, 04:32:39 08/13/09 ThuEmily as usual lived down to my lowest expectations. If she wasn't sef-centered, she wouldn't have any center at all. Well. Except for the HO le. Bwaaaaaaaa! (NT)
-- tat, 04:07:12 08/14/09 FriHeeHeeHee! (NT)
-- tat, 08:16:37 08/15/09 SatMeg? Honestly ... she's on my last nerve. I have no use for women like her in RL ... which might be the writers point. Point taken if they then repair the damage. Little shits. Meg isn't the only woman in Oakdale who is a casualty of some writers RL bad relationship though. So, hey ... with a flick of the pen ... Meg could grow a brain and accept her own responsibility as being a part of Paul's looooong dive into the darkness.
That said ... I still want Paul and Meg to work it out and get back together because I love RH's and MWil's chemistry AND because I want Eliza to be raised with her real Daddy and Mom. Just a hopeless romantic I guess. GRIN! (NT)
-- tat, 04:28:56 08/17/09 Mon