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Subject: Me and My Hot Air Balloon

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Date Posted: Thursday, July 31, 11:43:01am

If only I had a Hot Air Balloon... my life would be blissful. Like one loooong orgasm... that's what owning and flying a hot air balloon would be like for me.

Ok... What would I do with my flying machine!
I would take some time to fly over every place in the us that's worth seeing from the air. NYC (although... Im sure HAB's are seen as Terrorist vehicles now... dunno if I could pull that off. I dont carry butterknives on my person) And Montana, and Seattle, and The Grand Canyon, and... oh man... SAn Fran, And... the list goes on.
Then I think I'd move to foreing countries. I'd probably station my balloon just to the side of the Eiffel Tower for a few hours... just so the tourists could get an awesome picture... There are so many places to visit especially in Europe, india, russia... wow... there is some great stuff going on over there that would be great to see from the sky.

And I'd do races... and I'd... hell, I would be willing to LIVE In my balloon. but you know what the BEST IDEA for a hot air balloon is?

Blow it up using a fan, and have a picnic inside... indeed that is one of the BEST things to do... a little food, a little music... and DAMN is that not the best date you've ever heard of?!.. and you dont even need gas for the fire.
I could go on for days about the beauty of HAB's.

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Re: Me and My Hot Air BalloonnatThursday, July 31, 01:52:21pm

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