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Subject: Re: Road Rules Comment

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Date Posted: Friday, August 01, 09:45:24am
In reply to: Matt7195 's message, "Road Rules Comment" on Friday, August 01, 07:38:54am

No no, I have a problem with people who are cruisin along in the far left lane and slow to a near halt when they see the blue lights flashing 4 lanes over, in the shoulder.

OR the people who see cops in a parking lot doing a DUI Field test.. lights are on, and therefore, despite the cops distance from the road, pull the speed back to 30 under.

IF there are a bunch of cops... in this case I'll refer to them as people, because this rule applies to everyone, standing in the middle of the road working on a crime scene, an accident, or even just standing around for their general merriment... then by allll means... slow the speed down. Cause the last thing that needs to happen is for someone to get bulldozed by a car travelling at 85 miles per hour. That would be catastrophic.

(haha... typing that reminded me of those "please slow down... my daddy works here" signs we saw in SC, skylar. Whenever I look back on those posters in my mind, the kids look like Down syndrome babies.)

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