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Subject: *Shakes the held out hand* Alright, i would at least hope, You? ((Alrightly, i'll try to figure out whats going on and whatnot))

Alex Wesley
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Date Posted: 10:19:23 01/01/04 Thu
In reply to: Alexander Wesley 's message, "*A teen aged boy walks slowly in*" on 17:27:52 12/29/03 Mon

>*The bright, teary eyed young man strolls in, a
>kentucky rifle being used as a walking stick. The
>blue,tattered cap remains on his head, and a brown
>leather duster sweeps the ground. The bill of the cap
>shadows his straight-ish face and a slight grin is all
>but seen with a freshly shaved, and rounded, jaw. His
>voice is rich, and humorus(sp)* Hello, I'm Alex
>Wesley, Just decided to see if any one would like ones

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Oh, been better, been worse. Y'know how 'tis. (OOC: Basically, Kevin has this odd map he stole off of a rich merchant, and the crew of the Flying Dutchman is trying to decide if they're going to follow the map and see where it leads. They're all untrusting of Kevin because he's a big ol' thief.) (NT)Kevin Baker11:43:49 01/01/04 Thu
    Ooh, you'm drefful loier. I a-never been a non-trustifyin' you'm, Kervin! Gurt fibber... Mwahaha... I feel moleish...KREEE! Welcome, Alex! Hmm, maybe you could come in right after Joan or something like that... Gah, go ahead and do whatever. (NT)Ben the Crazed One17:08:44 01/01/04 Thu
    Ooh, you'm drefful loier. I a-never been a non-trustifyin' you'm, Kervin! Gurt fibber... Mwahaha... I feel moleish...KREEE! Welcome, Alex! Hmm, maybe you could come in right after Joan or something like that... Gah, go ahead and do whatever. (NT)Ben the Crazed One17:12:48 01/01/04 Thu

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