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Date Posted: 18:05:56 08/26/03 Tue
Author: Des
Subject: ::Taint Yourself::
In reply to: Rociel 's message, ".::.Tainted Angel.::." on 17:24:49 08/26/03 Tue


Nymph's orbs glitter in amusement at his question. If she was correct in assuming his own lineage, she wouldn't have a chance at so much as putting a scratch on his skin. Again, she speaks to him, though her lips move not an inch. A cautious friend, if you will so permit the forwardness... She halts a few yards distence from him, aware of her stupidity in getting so close. She was close to being free of her creator... To get tangeled up in another vampire was near suicide for her, but at the moment, she didn't much care. Deciding to offer what could be used against her, she speaks, really speaks, now. Her lips part, and from within the recesses of her chest comes the soft, melodic sound of her true voice. Not the voice she used to seduce, or inspire trust. My name's Destiny. Friends call me Des. She blinks placidly, Silken strawberry locks falling infront of her eye as she dips her dial toward the ground, gazing at him from b'neath her lashes. It wasn't s'posed to be coy, or cute.. Simply her own way of gaurding her thoughts from being seen through her eyes.

((I'm assuming Rociel is a vampire. if not.. then i look stupid, and i'm sorry. lol))

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