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Date Posted: 17:03:49 08/27/03 Wed
Author: Rociel
Subject: Tainted Angel
In reply to: Des 's message, "::Taint Yourself::" on 18:05:56 08/26/03 Tue

~Angel Sanctuary~

Dreams of earth
Desires of skin
Swirl endless in my mind
Remembrances of purity
Once you were at my side

The world is naught
But a swirling haze now
Tinted with white and red
The white calls me back
To where I once belonged

smiles turning to her "don't worry I don't bite i am but an angel, tainted if you will but thats better than I can say for most, please excuse me the names Rociel" ((hes an angel but I play two vamps pne male marius and female his fledgling amber if you wan tpost in the back alley i'll have them meet up w/ u))
But the white fails
In comparison to red
Red is hate, red is passion
Blood is red, as is love
Red is the color that represents you

Living in the hazy dream
Of what mortals call insanity
Dreams of you are all I have left
You must return before I can leave

Waking is dreaming, sleeping the same
At least that's what reason tells me
But reason is lucidity and lucidity is pain
And pain will not bring you back to me again.

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