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Date Posted: 12:56:17 03/25/01 Sun
Author: s.p. wells
Subject: Life's Fine Wine

Inspired by my comments to Whittler's
poem "Insomnia Of Doubtful Yearning",

~ Life's Fine Wine ~

s.p. wells

We humans, I sense or feel,
should learn, to have more song-sung.
Even if things, are not so rosy pink.
Said not, as a silver-tongue pun.
When we were young,
All, we mostly, wanted to be
was a grown-up older
perceiving great fun.

Almost everywhere, it so seems now,
TV's a younger life's pew.
People of many, ponder
from towards life's end,
back to glorious restart of birth.
I & them, wonder who's age will spin
if most, start to worship, just youth?
One has more, ugly self age-ing,
if vibrating to all, your jeaously & mirth.

Sometimes the oldish, envy the young
or others, with true grace, just love
with smiles by the pound.
My Clan, of Nothingness & ALL
has found spiritual formations,
singing lyrical words & sounds.
Because of mistakes of mine,
I've learned, to sip life's fine wine.
Have a bottle for you & thine
be it here or above, to shine.

A child of rock 'n' roll
and musically so forth,
am me, perhaps thee.
I get to smile every day,
except for maybe three..
days or years of thousands.
Despite known or unknown,
injurious slings & arrows.
Perhaps a poem could be,
a map to the road or the sea.

Rocking, Railing and bucking,
to "heart-attack & vine".
A rolling song so fine.
"Bayonne Butch" DJ's radio~air,
or-and Vin at W-FUV-FM transmits
with safe conduct sparks on..
Saturday's blue, Light of nights.
"Father of the Blues",
John Lee Hooker's radiance
boogies musical chords of luminance
thru median winds of our lives.
That the dark .. holds the Light.

SuSanne m.b.powell
[refreshed 24march'01]
[all rights reserved]
9th draft ~ critiques welcomed

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