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Date Posted: 07:17:21 12/01/03 Mon
Author: Brenda
Author Host/IP: netcache-3004.bay.webtv.net /
Subject: Reg, how is brother these days? I hope he's either better or still the same as when you reported on him.
In reply to: Brenda 's message, "Re: Reg this is fantastic news!!! I'm thrilled that your brother is getting benefit from the LDN. Keep us posted." on 16:01:06 11/21/03 Fri

Keep him with a positive attitude and massage his feet, legs and arms to keep his blood flowing through his limbs properly.

Is he given any physical therapy, like putting him in a body of water with temps no higher than 88 degrees? This is what Christopher Reeves(played Superman in later years from the original Superman) is doing. The therapists are lowering him into the water with a supportive strap device and he has started to do things the doctors said he'd never do again. He can move his legs around in the water enough to know that it wasn't the water itself moving them.

It would be great if your brother's doctor would write up an order for physical therapy, especially water therapy in water no hotter than 88 degrees. We don't want to paralyze or cause more weakness in him with water too warm. If the water can be 86 degrees that'd be better in the winter months but water up to 88 degrees shouldn't hurt. Water at 90 degrees could be dangerous to his MS. I know, I've been there and done that and paid dearly.

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